Three Eccentric States of Germanic Genes

Start from the beginning

"...Family?..." he managed to squeak out before being dropped by the blonde American. "How are we family?"

"Pennsylvania Dutch, of course," the said state which caused the Netherlands and Germany to stare strangely at him. Dutch was not Germany. Sure they were similar but they weren't the same. However, his dad was America and America was well known to be able to mistake Canada for snow Mexico and vice versa. "Okay, okay. I know how that sounds but the 'Dutch' in Pennsylvania Dutch is not Dutch at all."

Germany and the Netherlands looked at each other before Germany said, "Come again?" 

"You see the Dutch in the name was actually a mistranslation for Deutsch," Pennsylvania clarified. "But if you want Dutch descendants I'm sure the two dummkopfs are around here somewhere."

"Pennsylvania!" America yelled. "What have I told you three about insults?" 

Pennsylvania rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault that New York's a jerk and New Jersey's so rude"

"Benjamin!" America yelled again and Pennsylvania raised his arms in defeat.

"Okay, okay. Geez..." Pennsylvania said. "But so yeah, I'm Pennsylvania. The state that is the home of Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Liberty Bell, Hershey Park, and-"

"A drastically rising crime rate," came a voice. They turn to see it was Delaware who was leaning against the walls with Kennedy next to him and Ace having run off. 

Pennsylvania laughed. "Well, little big brother I admit it but we're working on it. Like how you should work on your height."

"Boys!" America yelled at the two as an uncomfortable feeling came over the nations. 

"Sorry," the two said in unison though reluctantly. It was still uncomfortable and Italy was even frowning though no one who looked over knew why. 

"Anyway, so as my dearest brother had said I do have a high crime rate but I also come recommended highly when it comes to squashing lobsterbacks," he turns to England and smiles which actually makes England squirm a bit, "and my little siblings during the Civil War days." It was America's turn to look uncomfortable. However, the only one to notice was Japan and England who desperately wanted to change the topic.

"So Pennsylvania-san, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you and Delaware-san knew each other?" Japan asked.

"Well, we've basically known each other all our lives," Pennsylvania answered.

"Except those five days where I was an only child," Delaware remarked. "Those were the days indeed." It was Pennsylvania's turn to roll his eyes but he still kept his smile.

"Delaware," America said in a commanding tone.

"It's fine, dad. But come on Del, aren't we much better than being alone," Pennsylvania asked waiting for an answer. And he was waiting as Delaware was deep in thinking. 

"Well, not getting peed on would be better," Delaware finally answered.

"Hey!" Pennsylvania remarked before turning back to the countries who had just been stuck there for a few moments. "Sorry about that. Sibling rivalries you know." No one had anything to say to this. Germany for his part was slightly embarrassed. This kid was way too much like, like, "GENERAL!" this snapped him out of his thoughts as the rambunctious state came running towards the pile of adult countries near him. 

Oh no! Not another bone shattering hug! But as he braced himself for one he ran right past him. This actually offended him a bit as he and the other countries turned around to see a shocking site. Pennsylvania was happily hugging Prussia who was hugging back with just as much ferocity. 

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