37... The Dinner Party

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*(picture is of the sonogram that Damon and Allyson got of their twins.)*

Somehow, Jenna has roped her dusghtet into joining her in touring Elijah around some of the historical sights of the town.

"How did I let you rope me into this?" Allyson asks.

"Shh," Jenna scolds And she talks to Elijah. "The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence.

"Ah, the Fells." Elijah speaks. "One of the founding families."

"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna asks. As Allyson rubs her tomadh as a wave of nausea hits.

"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centeris earlier," Elijah explains, sending a wink towards Allyson, he finds her... Pretty. "It was a migration of town folk from the moerheast, um. It as Salem, to be precise."

"Massachusetts?" Jenna inquires. "As in the witch trials?"

"Which means the ever-lauded founding families,... Didn't actually found anything," Elijah states.

"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being Founders back in 1860." Jenna claims.

"Men are very territorial." Allyson mutters.

"Yes, they are." Elijah replies, smiling at the engaged female.

That's when Alaric walks up to the group, he smiles at Ally and at Jenna.

"Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman." Jenna makes the introduction.

"Yeah, I got your message about you guys walking Elijah here through the old property lines." Alaric says, sounding slightly jealous because of how.... Attractive Elijah is. "I thought I would tag along. You know, being s history buff and all. Where to next?"

"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners." Elijah replies. "Som say, you know, the descendants of the slab we are the true keepers of American History."

"Well, I only brought the surveys." Jenna claims. "I got the list in my car. Give me a second. Ally, stay here, and be nice to Elijah." And Jenna walks away, leaving the three alone.

"Alaric Saltzman," Elijah speaks once Jenna is our of sight. "So you're one of these people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect."

"So are Jenna and Allyson," Ric states, he's noticed how Elijah looks at Ally.

"You don't have to be jealous." Elijah speaks. "I don't really pursue you her women." Elijah sees the tenseness of Ric. "It's a joke, Ric, lighten up." Elijah pats Ric on the shoulder and holds an arm out to Allyson. "Shall we?"

Allyson hooks an arm with Elijah's, and they walk away.

Allyson sits on Damon's lap when she, her mom, and Elijah approach the table Damon's at with Alaric.

"Hey, guys." Jenna greets as Damon wraps one arm aroind allysons back and a hand on her stomach.

"I heard you three had quite a meeting of the historical minds today." Damon comments.

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