30... Rose

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A man parks his car next to a SUV. He has knocked the doppelgänger out, and he I Merced the fairy with iron. The iron will keep Sofija from teasnforming back. The driver gets out of his car, The window of the SUV rolls down, revealing a man in a ball cap and sunglasses, blocking his face from the sun.

"Where is she?" The vampire, Trevor, asks.

"In the trunk." The man replies. "I didn't everything you said. But there was a fairy. I took her too."

"Good," Trevor replies, he is nervous in the pit of his stomach because of the fairy but he pushes that feeling back. "Put them in the back." He will take her, and if the one his friend wants to free them comes, he will know what to do with the fairy.

The man opens the trunk of the SUV, then the trunk of his car. He transfers Sofija first, she's awake but she's very weak from the iron. The man hurries, then he moves Elena to the SUV. Elena a still unconscious. Trevor looks in his rear view mirror, and he looks at the doppelgänger and the fairy. He smiles at the doppelgänger, he just tries ignoring the fairy in his trunk.

Once the trunk is shit, the man rejoins Trevor.

"Thank you for your help." Trevor says to the man.

"Is there anything else?" The man asks.

"One more thing," Trevor replies. "Come closer, please." And the man moves closer. "Closer."

The man gets closer. Trevor grabs the man and he drains him before dropping him to the ground, rhe. He drives off.

At an abandoned house, Trevor carries Elena and Sofija inside on his shoulders. Elena is starting to wake up whereas Sofija has been awake for a while now. She's gotten her strength but she will need nature in order to become Allyson again. So, in other words, Sofija is our to play for a while. Which is good, because she can practice her English and protect her Allyson, who's inside of her. Literally.

Trevor lays them both on the couch, and he unties Elena, who's legs and hands are tied.

"What do you want?" Elena asks as Sofija takes in their surroundings, jer wings out and the tulle of her dress flowing around her as her magic courses through her veins, her skin is glowing purple.

"Shh," Trevor hisses.

"Please, I'm hurt." Elena pleads, and this makes Sofija look at he, her snake white eyes lock her wound then she looks at Trevor.

"I know," Trevor replies. "Just a taste."

"Trevor!" A woman's voice stops Sofija from magically hurting Trevor. "Control yourself." A woman walks in and she has short brown hair, dark eyes.

"Buzzkill," Trevor mumbles and h leaves, leaving the other vampire, Rose, alone with Elena and Sofija.

"What do you want?" Elena asks Rose.

"Oh, my god." Rose comments. "You look just like her."

"But I'm not," Elena says pleadingly, Sofija is studying the vampire. "Please, whatever you..."

"Be quiet!" Rose snaps.

"But I'm not Katherine." Elena says. "My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this."

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