23... The Return

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Allyson's phone rings on Damon's nightstand as she finishes her bath, she is aching now because of losing her virginity. Wow, she thinks, just... Wow.

"Hello?" Allyson says into her phone as she grabs some black jeans she left her from Damon's closet, and a gray vneck t-shirt.

"Allyson, Caroline was in a bad wreck." Liz Forbes says.

"Damn it!" Allyson cusses, and Damon's head snaps up. "Okay. I'll be there."

"What's going on, Allyson?" Damon asks as he sits up, revealing his nice looking chest.

"Caroline is hurt, she was in a bad accident when that device went off, I think." Allyson says as she jumps up and down, finally managing to get her skinny jeans up. "She's not doing good, i Can tell by Liz's tone." Allyson pulls her shirt on as Damon gets up, and he gets dressed. "Let's go."

"Yeah, come on."

Damon and Allyson approach Liz at the hospital, who is at a desk.

"Liz, we came as soon as you called." Damon says. "Is she okay?"

"She's in surgery, it's... they're doing all they can," Liz says. "I need your help, Damon..., Ally Can hear, since she knows, Apparently."

"Sure, Anything Liz," Damon replies.

"Mayor Lockwood is dead, they thought he was a vampire." Liz says and Allyson's eyes widen. "They put him in the basement."

"Mayor Lockwood was a vampire?" Allyson asks.

"No, no." Liz replies quickly. "A mistake was made, they said he dropped like the others when John's device went odd but he... he couldn't have been a vampire. I've known the man my whole life and now Carol Lockwood is gonna want answers and all I can think of right now is Caroline, and..." Liz starts sobbing.

"It's okay." Damon says as he hugs Liz, Allyson frowns at the wheeling woman. "It's okay,"

"Is there something you can do?" Elena asks Bonnie. "Like a spell or something?"

"She doesn't know how, do you?" Damon asks as he and Allyson join Elena and Bonnie in the hall.

"No, I don't." Bonnie says and she looks at Allyson. "Allyson, I'm sorry."

"No, you don't, because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that." Damon says, taking her attention from a sore Allyson.

"Well, I can take down a vampire." Bonnie says. "That spell was easy to learn."

"Sofija can heal Caroline." Allyson says.

"No." Damon says quickly. "Too many people here for you to transform." And he turns to the other girls, who were just quietly watching the couple. "I can give Caroline some blood."

"No, no way." Elena declines.

"No, just enough to heal her." Damon says. "She will be safe in the hospital and ir will be out of her system in a day; she will be better, Elena."

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