31... Katerina

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Allyson awakens in a field of wild flowers, and she sees Damon. She tackles him with a hug, and he laughs.

"Hey, you." Damon greets. "Let's head to the house."

"I remember what Sofija said," Allyson says as she and Damon walk towards the Salvatore home.

"Which time?" Damon asks, even though he is pretty sure.

"That I can have your babies," Allyson replies as she nuzzles into Damon's side. "Let's try. I want your babies."

Damon hums in response. In honesty, he wants a kid or two as well, especially with Allyson and especially now that he knows he can impregnate her. It's weird, but he's happy.

When the couple enters the house, they find Rose.

"Rose, this is Allyson." Stefan introduces. "You remember Sofija, the fairy?"

"Yes, I remember the fairy," Rose replies.

"This is her, as a human, Allyson." Stefan says. "And she's with Damon."

"Oh, hello," Rose greets. "I'm sorry for the iron."

"No biggie," Allyson replies and someone knocks on the door.

Damon opens it, and finds Elena. "Hello, Elena."

"Is Stefan here?" She asks. "He called, he said it was important."

"Right this way," Damon says as he invites Elena.

Allyson walks in and she hugs Elena. Then Stefan after her.

"Hey," Stefan greets his human girlfriend.

"What's this about?" Elena asks.

Rose enters, and she stands by Allyson.

"You." Elena mutters.

The group to into the living room.

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't I onhqys true and what's not true." Rose explains. "It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real."

"Who is he?" Ally asks.

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend." Damon replies.

"From the first generation of vampires," Stefan adds.

"Like Elijah?" Elena questions.

"No." Rose replies. "Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal."

"Klaus is known to be the oldest." Stefan claims.

"Okay, so your saying they the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena asks.


Damon speaks. "What they're saying is, I mean, if what she's saying is true,"

"Which it is," Rose claims.

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