Twinkle! Guardian of the Skies!

Start from the beginning

"She really is strong..." Cerise whispered

"Of course she is! ~purin" Spring said smiling "she's our Guardian for a reason"

Moments later, the monster was purified and the town returned back to its former state. Returning back to normal, the girls all looked at each other and watched the Guardian just look around. By this time, it was already nearly 10am. Still completely dazed, they decided to go into Chanson because they had nothing better to do with their time.

Arriving at Chanson, the store was already opened by Mr. Sato. Heading inside, they realised that the Guardian was still with them. Taking seats, they continued to linger in the awkward silence.

"Now what?" Asahi asked

"Guardian." Sakura said while turning her attention to the Guardian who was just lingering in the corner "we have questions that need to be answered"

"Yeah... a lot" Akina mumbled "but can we eat first before we dive into the hard stuff because seriously, I'm starving"

"We did fight on an empty stomach" Asahi agreed

"I'll go and buy something then" Shirana said standing up "any specific requests?"

"Just a regular bento box for me" Akina grinned

"Bread" Asahi piped up

"Anything, really" Sakura smiled "I'm okay with whatever"

"I'll just get everybody a bento box then with bread, okay?"

"That's fine with us!" Akina nodded

With that, Shirana left the store with little Yukine following behind her. The remaining girls messaged their parents their whereabouts before playing around with the instruments. Twenty minutes later, Yukine came charging in with a bag probably bigger than her weight.

"What in the world Yukine?" Kazuki said as he ran over to help her

"I wanted to carry it!" Yukine grinned, clearly very proud of herself

Shirana walked in the door with another bag "she was being very persistent" she laughed

Without another word, they all grabbed a bento and immediately were silently eating their breakfast. Shirana had managed to buy a bento for everybody in the room, even the Guardian. By the time it was nearly afternoon, they had finished their food.

"Now." Sakura said standing up all of a sudden

"Heh?" Akina raised an eyebrow

"What was that about? Why was there a monster attacking first thing in the morning?!"

"True, and why was it so strong?" Asahi pitched in

The girls turned their attention to the Guardian who had sat up to listen to them. The Guardian continued to sit in silence as the girls began to question her and basically everything around them. Meanwhile, Shirana was sitting at the register, planning for the school festival so she was out of the loop. Soon, their small chatter turned into loud chaos, with them trying to analyse what was going on.

It had been peaceful for a while and suddenly there were stronger Tomerunda's, imposter Pretty Cures and definitely a new enemy. Just lost and confused, not knowing what to do, their eyes begged the Guardian to help them out.

"Where is the other Royal Armor piece?" Sakura suddenly asked "I mean, didn't you say there were 6? We only have five of them..."

"The final Royal Armor piece will appear at its own time." Guardian replied

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