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After gym class Lucia made her way to the girls lockeroom grabbing a towel off of the rack and wiping the beads of sweat forming on her forehead.She had gotten a pretty decent workout in the gym,it appeared the prissy little Britannian girls didnt know what hit them. It appeared the girls were surprised by Lucia's skill in VolleyBall. They probrably thought she would be a wea little princess,my were they gravely mistaken. Lucia smiled to herself as the girls in the lockeroom talked among themselves while bathing.Much of the talk was about Lucia herself. How surprised they were of her tenacity when it came to VolleyBall. Soon Lucia decided to take a quick shower as she talked to one of her new friends Shirley Fennette. She was one of those girls who talked abit too much but Lucia didnt mind it. She enjoyed Shirley's company,even if the chatter was repetitive. "You were amazing!I never knew you were so athletic Lucia! No one stood a chance against you!" Shirley exclaimed as the two girls allowed their bodies to soak in the warm water. "Hehe thanks Shirley,it was nothing really i just enjoy the sport."She informed her friend as Shirley smiled as the two sun deeper into the warm water. "Still it was amazing,the others didnt see what was coming! It blew my mind Lucia."Shirley said  with a smile causing Lucia to smile herself." You flatter me too much Shirley." She commented as her friend smiled once more. It was the first time in a very long time since she had a meaningful relationship with anyone.Besides Lelouch and Nunally. Now she had forged a new bond with Shirley and the quiet and frail Kallen. Now that Lucia thought about it she hadnt seen Kallen since the beginning of P.E. "Hey Shirley?"Lucia asked as she began washing her body." Hm, whats up Lucia?"She asked as Lucia questioned her about Kallen.

"Kallen? Well she really didnt start coming to school until a few wees ago.She'd been gone for almost an enitre semester. No one thought she'd really even come back.Everyone says she sic or something and can't really do anything. But from what i can tell she really is a nice person."Shirley informed her as Lucia thought for a minute nodding."It was true,Kallen did appear to be a very nice person it was just something about her that just...seemed..fake. Like she was hiding who she really was and the weak Kallen was just a mask. "Yeah your right she is....nice."Lucia said quietly as she continued to thin to herself before Shirley beckoned her from the warm water. She nodded towards her friend as the two emerged from the warm water,quickly getting dressed in their school uniforms before leaving the lockeroom.Only to be greeted by Kallen who leaned against the wall waiting for them. Kallen smiled gently towards the two as she waved."Lucia,ready for lunch?"She asked as Lucia thought for a moment.She had completly forgetten to have her lunch made and sighed."No i'm not.I forgot to have someone make my lunch."Lucia answered with a sigh."Then yu can share my lunch." Shirley informed her as Lucia peered towards her friend.Smiling and nodding in thanks. Kallen smiled to herself as she led the 2 to the courtyard where the 3 enjoyed their lunches happily.

After lunch the 3 girls quickly made their way to english class before the bell rang. Lucia sighed as she sat through another long lecture which she was getting abit tired of. Although it was better than being in Schneizel's company. She shivered lightly at the that evil man as she quietly averted her gaze to the ground trying her best to distract herself from her other life. But all the while Kallen continued to watch her,almost abit to closely.She watched her mannerisms.The way the Princess would flip her hair. The way she would bite her bottom lip out of pure nervousness. She watched it all hoping to find a weak spot in the woman's armor. Class quickly ended as Lucia rose to her feet as she exited the room with Shirley beside her. Shirley had told her before that the Student President wanted to welcome her to the Student Council which Lucia happily accepted. To be apart of a group was something that Lucia had always craved for. To blend in with others,to be embraced as one of their own. Lucia was soon greeted by the tall and very beautiful Milly Ashford. Or Madam President. She was a very interesting girl. She had the poise and manners of a lady but the dirty mind of a pervert which Lucia couldnt help but to laugh at. And then there was Rivalz who seemed to be infatuated with Milly. He was a nice guy yes but Lucia didnt thin he really had a shot with her.

Nina was the next person she met,the girl was a very shy person but Lucia could tell her intellect was great. The girl had a terrible fear of "Elevens" which Lucia strongly dissagreed about. She requested that Nina referred to the Japanese just that Japanese. And to that Nina shoo her head going on about how scary the "Elevens" were and Lucia could not help but to sigh. After meeting the Student Council Lucia was informed that both Nunally and Lelouch were apart of it as well. She was happy she could see Nunally again but Lelouch...whenever she thought of him the only thing that came to mind were his warm lips pressed against hers as she couldnt help to smile inside. She wanted to see him,she really did but after his whole "I will change your cursed fate" speech she wasnt so sure. He knew she was fated to marry his elder brother yet stil...he would try. And just exactly what did he plan to do? He couldnt do anything to help her.At least thats what Lucia thought anyway. Before she knew it Lelouch came down the stone steps speaking to Milly but immediately stopped as he spotted Lucia. "Lu-The Princess?"He quickly corrected as Milly smiled and nodded"Yeah! Father said she needed to join a club so why not the Student Council?It'll be fun."She informed him as Lelouch hesitantly nodded as Shirley took Lucia by the hand tugging her forward to Lelouch as she took Lelouch's hand as well.

"Lelouch this is my new friend Lucia. Lucia this is Lelouch. But we call him Lulu."Shirley informed as Lucia stared towards Lelouch as he took her hand in his own ever so gently shaking it. Once again they would have to appear to be nothing but strangers. "Nice to meet you,Princess." Lelouch greeted as Lucia smiled towards him as he bowed his head respectfully. "There is no need to bow,I have no desire to hold my class over you as a sword."She stated boldly as Lelouch's eyes widened as he peered towards the beautiful woman smiling. Yes,those strong yet gentle words,her lovely smile. Yes those were many reasons why he had fallen inlove with her. After reacquainting themselves with one another the council decided that they would throw Lucia a welcoming party tomorrow night. She told her new friends it was not necessary but Madam President insisted. Saying she would make more friends and it would be no problem. Lucia smiled towards her new friends and agreed on the party but on one condition. It would be a masquerade.

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