oh, well all of those r true. :P Josh said. In another text, he said, maybe not the handsome part.


            I knew it! I knew he was trying to evoke a reaction from me, and I wanted to play hard-to-get. But in order to remain calm and stay like my normal self, I played along.

            oh, im sure you are.

            Before I could set my phone down, it started downloading a picture message. It was from Josh, of course. The picture was him in a football uniform. His black hair was sleek, seeming like it would stick to his face if it were long enough. Deep blue eyes and a straight-toothed smile made the look even more attractive. Not to mention that his tan arms and muscles spoke to me (almost), telling me that he indeed was a football player.

            My heart fluttered at the picture, just because of the reality that this boy was texting me. He had at least some sort of interest in me, a thing that I found hard to accept. Again, my mind started reeling doubts quickly to overpower that excitement. He doesn’t really like you; he’s only doing a favor to Greg. He’s just some jerk, trying to break your heart.

            I shook my head to clear all doubts. I remembered seeing a church sign somewhere that read, ‘If you increase your faith, your doubt will starve to death.’ The truth of that simple statement held its stance now, giving me peace to work through anything that could happen in the future. I headed back to the laundry room, leaving my phone on the bed. I needed a few minutes to think.

            I made myself busy by shuffling through the dirty clothes twice before throwing them into the washing machine. Pushing the start button after dumping in the detergent, I heard the familiar buzz as the clothes began to move around. After this was done, I crashed back onto my bed. My phone had received two texts.

            From Josh, So…?

            From Lizzy, heyy girl! Haven’t talked to ya since we got home. I’m prayin for ya! I love you! Goodnight and sweetdreams <3

            I smiled. This was Lizzy’s regular goodnight text message. I was always reminded that she loved me and that she was praying… and prayer was not something I took lightly. I held my smile as I texted back an ‘I love you’. Surprising me, my grin held its way through another two minutes, bringing me the much needed courage to text Josh back.


            wow. You are handsome, I guess… I replied. I closed my eyes as I hit send.


            you guess?

            The text came almost too quickly. It made me wonder what Greg had gotten me into.

            so, you went to my school? I completely changed the subject, hoping he wouldn’t take anything too harshly. The whole conversation was ridiculous to me, seemingly unnecessary since we’d just now met.   


            yep. Just transferred. reminds me. We need to meet in person!


            who says?

Always & Forever (A Niall Horan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now