18. Expiration Date

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YOU. GUYS. You have no idea how hard this was for me to write.

*Serious moment*

I love these characters! I love Josh, Leah, Niall (yes, even this fictional Nialler, the one I made up!), Bethany, Cole, and Lizzy. I hate making them fight! HATE it! If you think it's too harsh, too dramatic, please keep that to yourself on this one?? I know it probably is, though.

*End serious moment*

Other than that, hack away at my writing! If you notice any grammar mistakes, feel free to let me know about that! If you think anything else is out of place, or something is confusing you, COMMENT!

The vid- Home by Phillip Phillips :) But I betcha all yo peeps know dat songgg xD WATCH IT BEFORE YOU READ!

Dedicated to @stylesandcarrotts for making me smile today! :)

Chapter 18- Expiration Date


            Lizzy was the first to know about what Josh had done. I immediately texted her after I got off the phone with Brittany. I explained to the both of them that I needed to get to bed, because I had to work tomorrow and I hadn’t been getting very good sleep the last few nights. I tried to tell myself that in light of what happened, tonight would be different. But who was I kidding? I didn’t imagine falling into a deep sleep for quite a while. Instead, I braced myself for a lengthy text conversation with Lizzy before I nodded off.

            Lizzy was outraged, as expected. She told me to pray for Josh in between her fits of animosity. But I could tell she wasn’t any closer to being over it than I would be any time soon. Brittany just felt bad about the entire situation. She had to be the one to tell me, and oh, was I glad she did. I had thanked her countless times already, but she still felt bad about the ordeal.

            What should I do next? Confront him? I texted Lizzy after I had dressed for bed. I curled up in my covers and flipped out the light, my eyes glued to my phone while I waited for her reply.

            How could he do this to me? We hadn’t even really kissed yet! And he went and kissed another girl, just because he could? I wasn’t one to be played like that, and I didn’t think my friends were going to let Josh live it down. As far as I was concerned, Josh had made my decision a thousand times easier… Niall was a much better friend than he’d ever be. I thought back to the roses that Niall had sent. He went through the trouble of finding out my favorite flower, unlike Josh who had picked out whatever he liked. Sure, he was trying to be nice, but only now did I see who liked me more.

            Niall Horan, the Irish lad, from the famous boy band, One Direction.

            Even I couldn’t believe it.

My phone lit up- Lizzy had texted me back. Not sure. Don’t tell him. Going on a date soon?

Yes, actually. I think tomorrow he’s taking me out.

After replying I tossed my phone down again, ready to sleep but not wanting to end mine and Lizzy’s conversation. As soon as the buzzing noise from my phone started, I yanked it from the pillow next to me and opened the text.

Hey, love. Done with rehearsal now. Weird, but something told me 2 txt u.

            It was Niall. And ‘something’ had told him to text me? This was my chance. I sent a super long text explaining everything I knew, how hurt I was, and how I didn’t know what to do about it, even how we were going on a date in a couple of days. It didn’t take him long to respond at all. Well whatever u do, don’t go on that date!

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