25. I Won't Give Up

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Wow. Just. Wow. I can't believe I've been through both stories: Making it Another Day and A & F. And it's been less than ONE YEAR since I became a One Direction fan. You guys don't even know. :P

I was flattered to notice recently that this story, as well as Making it another Day and @eclipse3318's Stole My Heart, was nominated for the 1D Story Awards! So. If you think you have a good 1D story, you should enter it! As soon as this month's awards are over, you can enter! The account is @x1DStoryAwards. I'll dedicate this chapter to her :)

Oh! And thank you so much if you've voted for my story on the account!

Anyway, after that matter of business, it's on to THIS:

Chapter 25. Twenty. Five. OMG> I can't believe it. But yeah, this chapter is so... IDK I just have the most heart-flying feeling about this chapter. So try not to bash it too hard, okay?? Thanks guys xx


OH! And the video over there, that song INSPIRED this chapter (and the title!) :)

Chapter 25- I Won’t Give Up


            The words of the note ran over and over beautifully in my head. I had memorized them. Though it wasn’t saying much, they were the most poetic words I’d ever put down onto paper. Cliché, nonetheless, but that wasn’t the point. I wrote something for a girl. When I’d finished, I remembered wanting to check my temperature to make sure I wasn’t sick. Lads like me just didn’t do that for girls like Leah.

            I wanted to put them to a tune, if for no other reason than that they would stay forever engrained with me. As it was, my mind was still reeling with them. I could replay them all day long.

"How are you enjoying your ride?" The hostess asked, stepping into my line of view. I carefully moved my feet from their lazy position in the aisle and smiled.

"It's great, thanks," I said, taking a sip of my water. Looking out of the window over Liam’s sleeping form, I noticed that we were passing over Chicago now, the city’s tall buildings barely visible at our height. We’d be in Houston within a few hours, thankfully.  Feeling at peace, closed my eyes then, trying to return to thoughts of Leah and our meet in a few hours, but I suddenly felt Liam's presence in front of me and they fluttered open. 

"How are you doing?" he asked, sounding horribly concerned.

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow. Ever since Liam had become a Christian, he'd been more intuitive, more inquisitive, and definitely more poetic. In this instance, he was all three. It was enough for me to question his motives, though I knew that back home with the boys, or on tour, no one would have noticed any change in Liam. I guessed it was just me, my thoughts getting a hold of me and running wild. But it was hard to not grasp some sort of change in my dear friend.

"How are you doing with... All this?" Liam said, sitting back and looking at the ceiling of the plane. "Being... A part of One Direction?"

Oh, that, I thought. "Well..."

"I mean, I don't know about you, but I can't believe it," Liam mused. "That this would…. all this would just happen. I mean, it's just unreal. And then with Lizzy- I feel so… overwhelmed!"

I laughed softly, unable to stop my thoughts from exiting my lips. "You've got a lot on your mind, eh?" I smiled, patting his arm playfully. "This isn't about me, is it?"

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