Star Blazers (Derek Wildstar x reader)

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It was just another day aboard the Yamato, searching for Iscandar. Over the roughly 50 days you've been on this ship you've become good friends with almost the rest of the crew. There were a few people here and there that you didn't encounter often or you weren't rather compatible with in the situation of friendship. Although you're overall best friend was Nova, and that's where you were right now.

Me and Nova were wishing on a star. It was an ancient wishing star of some sort, you hadn't really listened when she was explaining it to Derek. Speaking of Derek Wildstar, he was the one you were wishing about. See in that roughly 50 day span you had fallen for the brunette. He was funny, and had a bit of a short temper, and he was kind of mysterious to, he was quick to act to. You were shy to tell him your feelings though. You felt lucky to be his friend and weren't sure what would happen if he rejected you. Derek was somewhat unpredictable.

Going back to what was happening now, Derek was wondering what you and Nova were wishing for and why, since wishing on a star didn't make any scientific sense. Nova had said she was wishing that someone she refused to tell the name of, even to you, would fall in love with her. Derek gave her a blank look before proceeding to whine and ask her to tell him who it was. She said it was a secret and left you two in the room together. Alone. Well then.

So here you are and here he is and you know he's going to ask you what you were wishing for so you tried to prepare yourself to maybe go ahead and admit that you had fallen in love. Should you say you loved him? Maybe just keep it and really liked... maybe just liked. . . . . Yeah. . . That would maybe possibly work. If you could figure out how to speak those words.

"Hey Earth to (y/n). (Y/n)!" Derek waved his hand in front of your face.

"O-Oh, sorry! Heh um what did you say?" You knew what he had said or rather asked but it had become your natural instinct to ask that when someone spoke to you in the middle of you zoning out.

"I asked you what you were wishing on that star for." He pointed to the star as he spoke.

"I wished for pretty much the same thing as Nova, just a different person," A light blush had found your cheeks to be rather comfortable. You looked out at the wide mass of space to avoid his gaze. You had begun to get nervous and questioned whether you really should tell him or not.

"Really. Whose the lucky guy then?" He smirked a little and leaned on the wall. You heart beat seemed to be getting increasingly louder. You took a deep breath. Having had felt this way for about 14 days or so you decided that it wouldn't hurt to tell him and you'd likely feel better afterwards.

"Um, the guy th-that I was wishing would fall i-in love with me is uhm actually heh uh y-you Derek." The light blush you had found your cheeks comfortable had left and now a new much brighter blush had found its way there. You glanced at him, finding a blush on his cheeks as well, before looking back to the mass of space before you.

It was quiet for a little while before you felt a hand cupping your cheek and Derek's voice.

"What a surprise," he turned your head so you looked fully at him, "I was going to wish the same thing about you."

The comfy blush on your cheeks grew brighter. In turn a bright smile found it's way onto you lips. Though apparently something else had also found it's way onto your lips. It was Derek's lips. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. The kiss was soft and sweet, it was warm to. It lasted for a few more seconds before he slowly pulled away. Both of you opening your eyes you smiled at eachother.

"Come on, we better get back to our stations (y/n)."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 06, 2019 ⏰

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