Bucky ~ Be Alright

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Your relationship with Bucky is, how would you say this, interesting. There has always been this romantic fling between the two of you, but it never went further than flirting here or there. Now he has a girlfriend of three years, and there's no doubt they will be something more soon. You guess it is finally time to move on.

You were sitting on the lawn in front of your apartment, reading a book. The day was almost perfect; a sun that was shining brightly, the light wind, the vivid, green grass that was soft, and the distant background noises of the birds chirping and car motors humming. You were drowning all your thoughts and feelings out, replacing it with the characters in the book. You were knocked out of your trance when you heard a car door slam, and watch as the tall, handsome, long-haired brunette walked towards you. You look up from the ground to see his sad and teary eyes.

"Are you okay?" you ask, studying his sad features.

He looks away from you, and you see there's something he's trying to hide.

"Yeah, I just need somewhere to sleep, if you don't mind."

"Of course!" you say as you reach for his hand, but it's cold, but he pulls away. You brush it off, but not without noticing the obvious signs of his unnaturally upset state. You open the door and lead him to your guest room. He stands at the doorway for a minute, staring at the futon in the middle of the room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" you ask one more time, reaching for his hand, he pulls away again and you wonder, what's on his mind?

After a minute of sitting there, you slowly walk back outside to read. Now it was night, and you had not seen him all day. On your way to your room, you stop by his door.

"There's some pizza in the fridge, if you want some," you say, before walking to your room, ready to sleep.


You woke up in at one in the morning to a door closing. You usually would sleep hard and not wake up to anything except your overly-loud alarm, but you were on edge with how beaten-up Bucky looked.

You walk down the hall towards the guest room, hearing a quiet whimper get louder as you get closer. When you arrive at the room, you lightly tapped on the door. You heard the cries stop, and heard the door's lock click signaling for you to come in. He was sitting on the futon, staring at his phone. And then he says to you, "I made a dumb mistake. I ignored the signs even though I knew they were all there," he starts to tremble and his voice begins to break, "She would sneak out, stay at work late, go home without me. The cigarettes on the counter weren't her friend's, they were my mate's." And you see the color draining from his face.

You had no idea what to say. He loved her and trusted her. You gave him a long hug before he said, "I know I shouldn't, but I think I should call her."

"No," you say, gently taking the phone away from him, "I know you love her, but it's over, mate."

"What if she didn't mean to?"

"It doesn't matter, put the phone away. It's never easy to walk away, let her go It'll be alright."

He looked over at you, tears in his eyes and hugged you back. The two of you stayed like that for a long time. The warmth of his body made you calm, but every jolt of his body caused by his sobs made you want to cry. You tried to keep your cool but ended up crying with him. The two of you stayed like this all night; no talking. Soon, both of you fell asleep.


You awoke before Bucky did and you laid there for a minute until you decided what you needed to do. So you look back at all the messages they'd sent, and you know it wasn't right, but it was messing with your head.

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