Chapter 10 - Priorities

Start from the beginning

Pulling myself back into the reality set in front of me, I stood up. "Thank you for the information. Now if you'll excuse me."

I pushed passed him toward the door.

"Harper's a good woman. A bit strong-willed with a clear agenda some days, but good non-the-less. Don't hurt her."

Justin's voice gave me pause. The thought of her standing out in the rain screaming at me came into my mind. Tears had been dripping down her face, and disappointment etched in every ounce of her features. I'd felt like I betrayed her on a level I hadn't even known I'd dropped to.

"I've all ready hurt her." The phrase whispered from my lips like a mist rising between the cold and the warmth. I couldn't take back what I'd done. I could only move forward.

Pulling the door open, I escaped the suddenly stuffy atmosphere. Raking my hands through my hair, I stumbled back to my rental car. Pulling my phone out, I got into the vehicle.

Where the hell was she?


Harper's POV:

"Keep your elbows down!"

"I swear you're not listening to me."

"Don't give me that kind of an attitude."

I raised my middle finger to my second in command. Sweat dripped down my face, leaking its saltiness onto my lip. I had barely gotten a word in since I'd started my self-defense practice. His insults and annoyance spurred on a rage I'd felt since finding out the truth of my past. That had been nearly ten years ago. Now I had Mason's mixed rejection to deal with on top of it all.

Dropping his padded gloved hands down, Connor Smitty shook his head. "You're not focused today, boss. Is there something I should be aware of?"

Glaring at him, I set my jaw. "If there was something I thought you should be aware of, Smitty, I would have told you."

Without barely a second look I sent a sharp kick at his lowered gloves.

"Hey! Watch it!" His brows furrowed as he jumped back. "You nearly hit me somewhere I value very dearly."

"Then why don't you put your balls where your mouth is and be the punching bag I need right now." I growled, fixing my stance and preparing my assault.

"Well you're a little she devil right now, aren't you?" He raised his hands back up, bracing for my attack.

Narrowing my eyes, I sent a kick to his hip and a punch to his nose. I watched the blood spurting from his nose as he cursed at me.

Giving him a less than sympathetic wink, I began unwrapping my fists. "You should think before you speak, Smitty. Next time I won't be so nice."

I was done practicing for the day.

My phone's ring distracted me from saying more to my soldier. Snatching my towel up, I began drying my face off as my right hand reached for the annoying device. My lip curled at the name flashing up on the caller id. Of course he'd choose now to call.

Clicking the green button, I brought the phone up to my ear. "What the hell do you want?"

"Wow. I know I left suddenly, but that's kind of a cruel response from even you." Mason's surprise made me roll my eyes.

"You barely left me a reason as to why you left. Instead you left me in the dark for nearly three weeks, Mason. I don't want to hear your damned excuses. I don't want to hear your pretty words or see your charming face. I have bigger things to deal with. And you are not one of them." With a snap of a finger I canceled the call. Anger spiraled through me as I kicked a bucket across the room.

Unforgivable Secrets | One Mistake Away Series Bk 1 [Mob Romance]Where stories live. Discover now