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With each step back towards Karen's room, my heart begins to beat one beat faster. Every cell in my body seems to be awakened again as if I'm in an emergency. For me, this is an emergency, since I'm having lunch with a man, and that rarely happens.

It seems that Liam is waiting for me, cause when my head pokes around the corner, his eyes are on the doorway. A smile immediately appears on his face as he quickly leaps to his feet, muttering something inaudible to his mom before making his way out the door.

"Hello, love. Ready?" He grins, and all I can do is nod back at him. Again, his hood is up. It hits me then that sitting in the usually crowded cafeteria would probably not be favorable to him.

"Where's lunch?" He asks, causing me to smirk.

"This is lunch." I nod towards the coffee into my hand, before raising it to my lips to take a sip. Usually, at work, I do not eat but wait until I get home and eat one big meal. The food in the cafeteria is awful in taste and health and even when I bring food I usually don't eat it. Most days we are so busy that I don't even have time to eat lunch anyways.

"Alright, where are we going?" He asks causing me to glance down the hall. There aren't many doctors in the hallway, so I motion for him to follow me. The patient in room 552 was discharged today, and I don't believe the bed has been filled yet.

As soon as we get to the door, I crack it open to find the entire room empty. Quickly, I glance down the hallway both ways to find all my coworkers distracts by charts or each other. My hand reaches behind me, snatching his wrist and yanking him into the room with me. Softly, I shut the door before turning to face him.

"I figured you'd rather sit somewhere quiet rather than the noisy and crowded cafeteria," I answer the question already written on his face. A beautiful smile forms in its place, causing his eyes to crinkle up in the corners.

"Thank you, love, I appreciate that." With a quick smile, I step around him to sit down in the chairs beside the cot with him following me, sitting in the chair beside me.

"How many days do you work?"

"Monday through Wednesday, 6 A.M. to 6 P.M."

"That's actually a lot less than what I was thinking. What do you do in your free time?"

"I love to draw, which is usually what I spend my days doing. My mornings are spent at the gym. Since I'm up so early during the week, I'm usually up by six or seven to go workout, which is light lifting and kickboxing. Then, I go get a coffee and sit in a café, either reading or drawing. My work life is hectic, so I tend to keep my other days very relaxing so I don't go crazy." It's hard to keep the smile off my face when I'm chatting about my favorite things. For some reason, Liam seems to find this interesting as well, smiling and nodding along with me.

"I can understand that. How long have you been kickboxing for?"

"Since I was sixteen. Absolutely love it."

"Same, it's one of my favorite ways to get out pent up anger."

"What about you? What do you like to do when you're not performing?"

"I love writing music. I've been penning sounds left and right, but I usually only like two of them so I trash the rest. It's a frustrating process, yet it makes me happy. My favorite thing to do is spend time with my son, though." My eyes widen at the mention of his son, not expecting that at all. It's probably been all over social media, but I rarely go on it. Instagram is all I use, but I just look at my friend's posts.

"You have a son?" I ask excitedly causing his grin to widen.

"Yes! His name is Bear and he's one and a half. That boy is my entire world. He's made me a better man. Would you like to see a picture?" He questions and I nod quickly, scooting closer towards the armrest to get a good look. As soon as his phone screen lights up, I'm met with the face of a baby boy. Adorable big brown orbs and chubby cheeks, squeezed even tighter from his bright smile, stare back at me. A gasp escapes my lips at the cuteness of the baby and his already apparent resemblance to Liam. Light brown curls rest on top of his head, curling cutely in every direction, some gently resting against his forehead to shape his face. Dimples are tucked into his chubby cheeks, making him even cuter.

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