Chapter 1: Lady Alkina

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"Don't get too pressured, son. Let's just help your mama decorate now." He gave him a pat on the shoulder, earning a hiss from Earl due to the weight of his father's hand, causing Sabrina to laugh heartily as she grasped both their hands. "Come now, we should decorate the street along our neighbors so that Lady Alkina can walk with joy with whoever she chooses. Hopefully she'll choose one at last. We cannot let her walk in a dreadful street all the way from Mt. Cuyen! So, let's begin!" Sabrina exclaimed.

Every year, when the courtship happens, the folks of all beings would decorate the streets with a lovely carpet made from the weaving of the night fairies. The long carpet would reach to the end of the town. Its color was meant to present the color of Lady Alkina, which was a glossy silver. It was a beautiful sight to see, and they'd done it so that when Alkina finds herself her desired partner, she will walk down with him so the town will know and bless them both, however, throughout the years since the coutship began, she had never chosen a partner, ending up walking to bless and greet the folks alone instead, thanking them for their efforts that she would not dare waste.

They made it certain that each year's courtship would be grand, so that it'll gratify her and not exhaust her for she'd come from her home all the way to the end of the town just to greet the folks. Her home was called Mt. Cuyen.

Said mountain was tall and only beings who were allowed permission could climb it. It was the tallest mountain in the Land of Feray, it reached where the Moon looked near and touchable. Humans could not climb Mt. Cuyen due to how fragile they could be, therefore, Lady Alkina would wait for them to come by the end of the mountain were there could be seen, a waterfall with a wide lake with water shining brightly like the moon. Some even said the water was moonlight itself. The mountain was just as beautiful as its waterfall, shining like silver as though it was snow.

The sun is setting, and it was her moment to arise and prepare herself. Once the sun has fully set and the night has come, when the stars began to twinkle, that's when Alkina did her part. First, she allowed the Moon to shine brightly, and when she has prepared herself, she went down from the top of Mt. Cuyen and she waited.

In the middle of the lake, a few feet away from the waterfall, a glossy white chair, much like a throne, remained still as its owner sat upon it. Alkina wore a long dress that started from her waist, the fabric being a white silk chiffon that fell over the stairs just before her very seat. Her right side was cut to reveal her fair white skin in an enticing way, showing her mid thighs all the way to her feet, her ankles adorned with silver anklets of jewelry, her toes adorned with toerings of the same silver, completely barefoot.

Her long dress was held together by a silver belt around her lithe waist, the belt much like jewelry with moon crescents all around the belt.

Her chest was covered with the same white silk chiffon fabric, covering her breasts. The fabric of her dress shone as though glitters had been poured. Her flat stomach could be seen as well as her collarbone and neck. Her neck was adorned with a silver necklace, by its end, a crescent moon. She wore bracelets much like her anklets and her ears were adorned with long earrings having the same crescent moons as the very jewel.

Her white wavy hair was incredibly soft and smooth, falling past her shoulders to her hips. Designing her hair were various little stars, twinkling on her strands. Every bit of her was completely stunning, but what astounded them the most would always be her eyes. She had full moon for pupils, and for the surrounding color, instead of being white much like a human's, hers were black and shining stars could be seen, forming a galaxy around her moon-pupils.

She glowed much like the moon did, but her glow wasn't as bright as the sun's, that's why folks are still able to lay gaze upon her.

She waited patiently for the men to come (usually, men courted her) and as she waited, she allowed her hands to make gestures on the air, forming various imageries with her light, playing a story that she wrote with her heart and mind. Often she would do such to entertain her and ease her anxiety. She can never deny that it makes her anxious whenever people would court her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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