I hit the ground and knocked myself out, I woke up in a weird room. "Your awake, good," I heard a deep voice say. I looked around the room until my eyes landed on someone standing in the doorway, shirtless might I add. He walked over to me and pressed his cool hand to my forehead, "No fever, what happened?" "I was asked on a date by the school's quarterback, him and his friends pelted me with balloons filled with either ketchup or fake blood. I keyed the guys car then he came down the trail and started to chase me, I wasn't fast enough and before I knew it his fist connected with my jaw, my head hit the pavement, and I woke up here."

"Mmhmm," he said, he had medium black hair with an emo cut, he had tattoos covering his arms and torso, and from what I guess he didn't like shirts. "You like what you see?" I blushed and looked at the ground, then I noticed, I wasn't wearing the clothes I was earlier. I was in a black tee shirt, that swallowed me. It went down to my knees, I guessed it was his, after all he was like 6 foot, and I was 5'2.

I stood up and he said, "Sorry, I had my mom change your clothes, your's are washing downstairs." I nodded and then his mom walked in, "Oh, your awake, good," She said, she had Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a few freckles on her nose. She was the girly type and you could tell. I looked from him to her and asked, "Who are you?" "Well, I'm Faith, his mother, and he is Logan." I smiled at her kind words, and noticed she had an irish accent.

"Yeah, well do you want me to drive you home?" He asked me and I noticed he had a bit of an accent too.

"Actually do you know where my cell is my dad and Lilly probably called 8 thousand times." None, they didn't call at all, just one text, "Wherever you are be safe princess." It was from my dad. "Seems like your parent's really care," said Logan sarcastically when I showed him the text. His mom gave me a pair of jeans from her daughter's room and a halter top, her daughter must be a ...

I walked downstairs and accidently knocked over the vase on the table. I bent over to help her pick it up and the halter top slipped up showing some of my tattoo underneath. "Do I see a tattoo?" asked Logan I jumped up and pulled down the back of the top. "What is it of?" He asked me.

"Logan! If she doesn't want you to know don't pester the girl, I can always not get you that piercing you want." she scolded him, earning a giggle from me. He glared at me and I said, "Best friends pact, me and Travis got a tattoo saying Heather Lori Taylor on his back and mine says, Travis Michael Jones." "Oh, so you too are basically and item?" "Oh no, he's gay." I told him.

"Are you gay?" he asked me "No, are you a lesbian?"I countered "No, that is offensive!"He hollered "So was asking if I was gay," We argued about this for about thirty minutes, then his mom said, "Sweetheart, do you want to stay the night, you can stay in Chelsea's room?" Chelsea is her daughter. "Sure," I told her, "What's for supper?" I asked. I ate like I usually ate, to no end, I am a bottomless pit. "Wow!" Said Logan, "Manners!" Shouted his mother as she slapped his stomach with her hand, then said, "Ouch," "Well it isn't my fault that I work out mom, it is your fault for getting a house with a workout room in it."

She glared at him and he raised his hands in mock surrender, "Are you going to eat that?" I asked him, pointing at his slice of pizza. He laughed and said, "Yeah," "Aww, please let me have it?" "No, I'm hungry." I frowned and reached for it, he smacked my hand away.

"Come on, sweetie, lets get you ready for bed." Said Faith making me feel like a little kid. There was a knock on the door and Faith ran to open it, it was Cameron, I froze. "What are you doing in my house, Lori?!!" He screamed at me, "Y-y-your house?" I stuttered. He walked over to me and grabbed me by my collar pushing me up against the wall, "I thought I took care of you when I left you unconcious at the park you b*tch." I whimpered, and then all of a sudden Cameron was flying across the room, "You think you're some hot shot, don't you Logan!" Faith was crying in the corner and I went to crawl over to her.

My Dumb LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora