Chapter 11

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I pulled my shirt down got up off of the table and did my happy dance. Logan laughed and pulled me to him, kissing my lips. I walked out of the office and told everyone the news they all gave me a hug. 

2 weeks later: 

I hate morning sickness. I absolutely hate it. Ugh, someone just get these babies out of me. It is not that I don't love them, it is that I can't get a good nights sleep. and I can barely keep anything down anymore. 


I heard Lori throwing up in the bathroom and walked away. I felt sorry for her. I went downstairs and peeled a cutie. I ate it in 3 bites. I was sitting on the couch, when I started to feel sick. I ran up the stairs and into the now empty bathroom. I threw up. I felt terrible. I sat there dry heaving for a few minutes tears running down my face as I gagged. Marx, walked into the bathroom and saw me crying holding my stomach. He pulled me to him, my body still heaving, but nothing coming up. I leaned into his arms as the heaving stopped.

"Are you okay baby?" He asked me tucking my hair behind my ear. I nodded as he kissed my forehead. "I am going shopping today okay, I have to help everyone get food and stuff for when the baby comes. I want you to stay home, okay, feel better babe." Everyone left in a little while and I was left alone.

I heard a knock on the door after about 30 minutes of everyone being gone. I opened it to see a person that looked like a much older version of my mate. He grabbed my chin and turned my head to the side. "Yep, you are my son's. You are coming with me you little fag." I tried to run and I was tackled. "Tch. Tch. Tch. I wouldn't do that if I were you." I cried as he pulled out duck-tape. He put some across my lips but before me put it on he kissed me and I was repulsed. "If I have you, he will have to come home, and when he does I'll make you both my slaves." I felt tears running down my face as he dragged me out to his car. I couldn't scream because I knew that no one would hear me through the tape across my mouth. 

I was thrown into his car as he drove away. I thought of my mate. I whimpered as I though of Marx.


We were gone for 2 hours god, how much does a baby need. I was exhausted by the time we unloaded the car. I thought that my gorgeous mate had layed down in one of the rooms upstairs because he felt bad. So I went upstairs but he wasn't there. I sniffed the air trying to find his scent. I was repulsed when the faint scent of my father wafted around me. 

"Emmett!" I yelled. I whimpered then I ran down the stairs. "My father has gone too far this time." I growled, I told everyone what happened, Logan and Jordan said that they would help me bring my mate home. I thanked them as we got in the car. I gave Logan directions to my father's house and told them to stay in the car until I screamed. I went into the house. I saw Emmett laying in the front hall in front of the door and I felt tears running down my cheeks at the sight. 

He was making muffled sounds eyes wide. I felt something stab me in the neck then I felt a warm liquid go through me, I hit the floor and my vision went black.


Marx walked through the door, I felt so happy. Until I saw his father with a drugged up needle standing behind him. I eyes went wide, I tried to tell him but the duck-tape prohibited me. I cried as he hit the floor and his eyes closed. 

I was thrown over his father's shoulder as Marx was thrown over the other. I was thrown on a bed and so was Marx. His father touched me, and sighed, "You are so pretty, I will show you what a real man feels like." I cried as he raped me.

I fell asleep after I was raped too tired from crying to do anything else. 


I heard muffled sounds and my dad's grunts, I knew what he was doing to Emmett, he had done the same to me. I couldn't move I couldn't open my eyes. I just layed there and listened glistening tears fell out of my eyes as I heard my father say, "You were amazing sweetheart. I'll come back for more later." 

I heard Emmett's breathing slow down and become calm and sweet. I felt relief as I realized he was asleep. I felt something stick me in the arm and after the burning liquid was pushed into my veins I was able to move. I sat up and grabbed my father by his neck. "You hurt my mate." I growled. He just chuckled and slapped me across the face. I screamed and waited. "Don't bother son, I have your little friends drugged up and thrown in the other room."

I felt tears run down my face as he started to undress me the same way he hurt me that day that I was too scared to do anything. I punched him in the face this time and tackled him to the ground. He was much stronger than me and rolled over on top of me. I used my palm and crashed it into his nose pushing the bone up so fast that it broke. My father fell to the side screaming in pain. I took this time to tie him up. "Where is the antidote so that I can wake up my friends."

He spit in my face and I punched him so hard that he spit out blood and 2 teeth. "Kitchen, silverware drawer." He told me. I gently shook my mate. His eyes popped open I ripped the duck-tape off of his mouth and whimpered when he screamed and cried at the pain. I untied him and helped him stand. He went to take a step and I could tell he was in excruciating pain. I picked him up bridal style and carried him out to Logan's car. I went back inside and woke up Jordan and Logan and told them what happened. We went home. 

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