Chapter 7

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My dad morphed to howl to start the meeting then morphed back. Everyone dipped their head  in respect. "My son, will succeed me tonight, and become Alpha. His mate, is a human, Lori. Carries his pup, and bares the mark of the mate. As mine once did," He smiled as he looked at Faith. "I give you your new alpha, may he bring great happiness for many moons to come." Everyone cheered and toasted as they downed their wine. 

"I have an announcement, we welcome a new member to our pack. He was to be alpha of our rivals but he decided to join us. He does not expect to be alpha, he just wants to be a part of us. I give you our new pack member Marx Lune." Everyone dipped their heads to their new alpha's choice of new pack member. "I choose my right hand man to be, Jordan. With great news I present him and his mate Tristan, anyone who gives them a hard time because of their relationship will have to deal with me. Anyway my right hand man Jordan, will take over if anything should happen to me. Meeting Adjourned!" 

I looked at Lori, I wanted to celebrate with her tonight. I kissed her lips hard, and eager. She moaned into my mouth causing me to smile. In just awhile she was pushed back on our bed, and we had a long night. Filled with making love to my mate. 


I love him so much. I thought as I traced my hand over his chest. 

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