Luna Rose Salvatore

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Elena's POV :

I had Luna 2 days ago . She is perfect and looks just like her dad . I miss him so much I haven't stopped crying since Damon's goodbye . I love him so much It pains me to be without him . Kathrine and Stefan still will not leave . They already took everything from me can The not just leave me to grieve . The only person I do not scream of yell at is my daughter. Damon did this so she could live and she is going to grow up knowing he loves her so much and it was so hard for him to leave her .

I wake up . I can only hope that my baby bump is still there and if I roll over I will see his beautiful raven hair and blue eyes and he wakes up . I can only wish .

Luna is beautiful. She has dark brown hair like mine and blue almost green eyes . There is a beautiful pattern in them. Her facial features are sharp and beautiful. I can not wait for Damon to see her. Her voice is soft and light .
I love her so much just when I start to miss him I look at her and see the wonderful gift her gave our life together for me to keep !

I can only hope that he knows that I love Luna so much , but the love I have for him towers over any love .

When I gave birth to Luna all I could think was Damon gave me the gift of this baby and I will love the worst parts of her until the oceans turn to dust .

Damon told me to move on and be happy , but that seems impossible. I know that I love him more than anything or anybody. I would do anything for my daughter, but I would die for him .

The day he proposed I told him if he died my soul would die along with him. The first day that he was gone the only thing I did was scream. I ran in to Stefan's room and broke everything and ripped his bed and sheets . Caroline and Klaus are worried about me which is nice but I just want to be alone with my baby in my house .

They set up a system where someone is in the house with me at all time so if I go ballistic someone will be there to calm me down .

Rebekah has come to spend some time with me which was nice , because she didn't treat me like I was fragile glass . She helped me through the pain like Damon did when Stefan first left . When Stefan left I knew I could get over it and love again, but now Love seemed hopeless and the only person I would be able to love would be Luna .

Damon's POV :

I am trying not to stay strong and not go on a killing spree , but it is so hard . Anytime I am reminded of Elena I want to rip out someone's heart . I tracked down the witch that did the spell on Elena and after getting names of all of Kathrine's other witches I killed her .

Klaus told me Elena gave birth . All I wanted to do was be there holding her hand having her in my arms after she gave birth to our daughter. I wanted to hold my daughter in my hands and give her everything in my power .

The thing I want most is to hold Elena in my arms it has been 10 days and they have been the hardest 10 days of my life .

I went to New Orleans to visit Rebecka and her new husband Marsal after she came back from visiting Elena and the baby . She showed me a picture of them . I miss them so much .

I can only hope that Elena will forgive me for leaving. I was talking to some of the leaders of the covens here . Some witches actually do not hate me. I told them my story . They said they could do a spell to give me a week with Elena and Luna . All they have to do is if anyone tries to track me it will say I am in Paris , but Elena and Luna will come here and we will stay in a safe house .

I got the information to Klaus and he told Elena and now we are planning on them coming down tomorrow. I can not wait ! I get to hold her for 1 week !

Hey ! Elena and Damon get to each other aha yay ! That will be in the next chapter! The pic above is what Luna looks like . I do not own the photo I got it off the web!


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