The Choice

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    Damon and Klaus walk inside the boarding house to see Kathrine and Stefan standing with 1 glass of bourbon and blood mixed each   !

" Why are you in my house " Damon asked

" Why did you get my girlfriend pregnant? " Stefan said Angrily toward Damon .

  " Elena is not YOUR girlfriend she is some much more and you left her and then she turned and I was there for her so we both want you and Kathrine out of our lives ! I stayed and helped her live and move on and she did now we have a baby coming and we want to raise her in peace ! "

" Nope " Stefan said looking at Kathrine with a slight smile .

" Stefan you lost her the second she turned she realized that you did not want her anymore and I was there as her friend helping her get through everything! Every cry , realization , break up , feed , kill , test everything! So you can either leave us alone or I will make sure you never came to this house today ! "

" Oh really " Kathrine said typing something on her phone .

" She is 9 months pregnant we already have enough stress on us and our relationship now"

" She will never love you She will never be your girlfriend after she sees me again ! She will take your child and leave you ! "  Stefan yelled at Damon .

" You are right she will be my fiancé and then after that my wife " Damon said happily calling her his fiancé and his future wife .

" Your fiancé? "

Right then and there Damon 's  phone started ringing!

Damon 's phone call with Jermey

Jermey : Elena is screaming in pain the girls think she is going into labor Bonnie is doing a spell to ease the pain and Caroline called Dr. Lambert he is on his way !

Damon : Okay I am on my way ask Caroline to compel Samantha to only Dr.Lambert in I will be there as soon as I can .

Jermey: Damon wait !

Damon : What ?

Jermey: A which was trying to kill Luna using a spell !

Damon: What someone is trying to kill the baby !

Jermey: Bonnie blocked the spell , but she recognized the magic footprint it is one of Kathrine's witch's !

Damon : Got to go kill a vampire ! Bye I will be there soon!

End of Call

Damon flashed over to Kathrine pinning her against the wall!

" Call off your witch or I will kill you "

" No you will not because of I do not tell witch to stop the spell you are precious baby will die! And Elena will hate you because you could have stop the spell ! "

" I will kill you if you hurt either of them "

" Well for that to happen you have to leave . Leave Elena and the baby once you say goodbye you can not speak to them or give a message to either of them . When you say goodbye you will have 5 minutes on the phone with her that is if . You will stay away until your daughter turns 16 then you may have contact with her , but not Elena . I will rip Elena's heart right out of her chest if you ever do ! " Kathrine said smiling at Stefan .

" If you try anything after she called off the witch I will kill your baby . Then Elena will come running into my arms " Stefan said happily .

" You are an Evil bitch " Damon yelled at Kathrine.

Now The only though going through Damon's mind how he was going to say goodbye .

During this time Elena was at the house waiting or Damon to come . She knew that he was excited about the baby and to marry her . She knew this was going to interfere with their plan to raise their daughter together in peace .

She knew he was scared that she would go running into Stefan's arms . She knew she would never do that he left her and Damon had a chance to leave and he never did . She loved him so much that she already was ready to Marry him . She sat on the bed staring at the door waiting for Damon to come through the door with Kathrine's blood on his hands .

She was ready to live her life with Damon . She wanted to get married have more kids raise a family and then watch as they have their own family.

She loved the way he talked to her . He treated her with respect, but still was very protective. She loved that about him . He always did the right thing for her . He never got angry with her maybe at times a little upset, but always kept his emotions controlled when he was with her .

No matter how much she used to love Stefan she loves Damon now and she felt like she could not love another man the way she loves Damon .

He loved how he would Complement her chocolate brown eyes and her darks brown slightly curled locks .

She waited and waited and every 20 minutes or so Caroline and Bonnie would come and check on her . They tried to talk to her , but she wouldn't respond.

As time went on she got more worried and more worried. She was so scared that he was dead she started to cry . What if he was dead . She was trying to keep calm .

Then she herd Damon's blue Camaro pull up . She wiped her tears and flashed out to see the car .

Klaus stepped out of the driver's seat side door . Her had a depressed look on his face turning to face Elena .

Elena's heart dropped to her stomach and her legs went weak under her . She felt her legs let out as she hit the ground she started to sob . She wanted to escape the world she wanted to die . She did not want the baby anymore. The person she loved most in the world was gone .

Klaus walked over to her picking her up and carrying to her bed and put her laying down . He quickly told Caroline what had happened and what that she was going to need a lot of help for the next 16 years . Klaus wanted to help Elena . He had grown close to Damon and had felt for Elena.

He started to explain everything to Elena . Her sobs slowed but still were filled with despair, anger , and sadness.

When Elena herd that she would be able to say goodbye she felt like she might have some closure . She couldn't stop crying. She released that she would be raising their baby alone for 16 years and that she would never see her fiancé again. Their wedding dead
, her soul dead , and her happiness gone .

Klaus picked up his phone dialing Damon's number than handing it to Elena !

Will Kathrine and Stefan get what they want ? Will Elena fall for Stefan ? Where will Damon go ? Will they find their way back to each other ? All in time !

Xoxo - Anna

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