Marisol Marie Nelson

68.9K 1.1K 647

Mari Here ^_^

Age: 16

School: Junior

Relationship: Single

Mute/ Talkative: Selectively Mute

Self Harmer/ Clean: Self Harmer

House: live with my abusive father.

Drugs/Clean: Drugs


Marisol is my name and I've been mute since my mother passed away at the age of eight from cancer. My father blamed me for my mother dying so he would abuse me psychically, emotionally, and mentally. I grew up with two best friends named Jacob and Jeremiah, I've known them both since diapers pretty much. Their mom's were my moms best friends so naturally we became best friends. Jacob and I started to drift once we hit high school where he became best friends with the populars. Anywhore Jeremiah and I have been friends since.  Enough about me. Let's go on with the story!

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