Part 8: When I shall say good bye

Start from the beginning

" When I shall say goodbye to you it's mean there's no more turning back. Minnie is only mine since the day you asked me to break up. I can't lose her. Good bye Kongpob!"


Now Arthit and Minnie is in the airplane. Finally he could breath a sight of relief. He decided to come back to Korea and leaving everything behind like his first intention. The hurting past should delete it from his heart before this virus will spread out in his heart fully and no day to find any happiness.

" Mommy~~ Where do we go?"

" We go back to Korea. Minnie and mommy's house." Arthit told her with her softly tones.

" What about daddy?"

" Daddy can't go with us... he has important things to do in here... he cannot go."

Arthit look at Minnie and feel guilty for her. He hugs her in to his chest tightly. He wish she would forget her dad soon.

" Mommy is sorry but daddy really cannot go with us." He said with his quivering voice.

" Is daddy sad?"

( Daddy is not sad but it's both of us who will be sad.)

" Daddy has to work. Because of that, Minnie need to understand him. Mommy is sorry that everything turn out like to this. Mommy love Minnie..."

When they talk about Kongpob, Arthit is always unhappy and want to cry so Minnie stop talking about him.

" Mommy when will we arrive ?"

" Maybe 3 hours... Minnie should sleep, it's far til we arrive."

Minnie nodded her head and say

" Minnie love mommy."

" Mommy love Minnie too." Arthit kiss her cheek and put her to sleep.

" Mommy will not let Minnie hurt like mommy used to."

Arthit murmured to himself while stroking Minnie's hair.


Kongpob's hand hit the table so hard that everything on the table jumped. He flew in to a blind rage as soon as he received the report from his bodyguard that Arthit and Minnie are taking plan to Korea.

" How do you work? Why do you let him escape? I asked you to guard him 24h. Huh??"

" I'm sorry boss... it's my fault." Kongpob's bodyguard bow their head down while accepting their fault. They shouldn't believe Arthit's word and let him go easily without any suspicion.

Kongpob is very mad until he doesn't know how to blame them and now he still unable to believe that P'Arthit's small plan can fool his bodyguard. If he didn't call home and want to talk with Minnie maybe he still didn't know that they ran away. After his bodyguard checked for a while they told him that P'Arthit and Minnie was already on the plane flight to Korea.

He should suspect at the first Why a few day ago P'Arthit was quite and always obey his word, Actually he have planned to make him believe without suspicion so he can escape easily.

" When will them arrive in there?"

" Around 1pm to 1:30 pm."

Korea is a big country. How can he find them? He must be crazy if he can't meet his P'Arthit and his daughter again.

" P'Arthit~~~"

Suddenly Kongpob remember something. He take a heavy breathing and order his bodyguard.

" Drive me to hospital ... I have something to talk with Doctor Beam."

" Yes Boss." Said by Jay as he hurriedly call the driver to drive them to hospital.

Kongpob stared at window with his scary smile.

" Like to run away from me right? If you want to run then run as far as you can when I caught you, don't hope you can escape from me again."

Kongpob swore in to his heart again and again.
Today he want to talks with him about what happened in the past. I really want to beg for second chance to start a new life with him and their daughter. All this year he never stop loving him even one. It's hurt him like crazy when he tried to found him and their child everywhere and he never got a news from Arthit and their child until once day he got a news from his cousin that his new worker is a someone who is Kongpob finding. He was so excited until he can't control himself and rushed to meet them as soon as he knew the address.

" Maybe we should have a baby every year so you would stop thinking about running away from me again."


To be continued

Enjoy to read


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