Chapter Seven

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"Okay, that's enough now!" Percy said as he quickly snatched the basket away from his friends despite their protesting. He frowned as he rifled through it. "God, there's barely any left!"

"Then go get more..." Piper groaned as she stared longingly at the basket. "It was so good..."

Percy rolled his eyes and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his friends. "You all have had enough. Now I'm going to eat my prize for saving the princess!"

"No! Leave us some!" Leo begged as he clawed at the basket, which Percy had swung out of his reach much to Leo's dismay. "Please?"

"You've barely left anything left for me!" Percy snapped as he stared into the nearly empty basket. "You don't deserve more."

"Let's go get more, then," Jason suggested as he suddenly perked up from his food coma. "I bet Annabeth'll be out feeding the poor in a few hours..."

"I'm not taking her pity," Percy shot back defensively. "If you want it, go get it yourself."

Piper sighed as she straightened up in her chair. "Oh, don't be like that, Percy. We won't be at any of the new food you get. Only the amount you give us, your best friends.

"Don't be like that, Percy," Piper said. "We won't eat any of the new food you get. Only the amount you give us, your best friends. Right, guys?"

They all nodded and mumbled their approval and agreement.

I sighed. "Fine, but only because I have to return her basket anyways."

"So you'll get us food?" Leo asked hopefully.

"Only if she offers it," I replied and picked up the basket. "Now try to actually stand up while I'm gone."

Piper snorted. "Yeah, right."

I rolled my eyes and headed out. The route to the palace was only ten minutes tops, but I was eager to arrive.

When I finally reached the castle gates I was winded and out of breath. I clutched the stitch in my chest and panted.

"Your majesty, you don't understand!" a guard yelled, suddenly bursting out of the gates. He was following a hooded figure out.

Your majesty? That must be Annabeth! I thought and smiled. I carefully followed them to the small orchard behind the palace.

"You've failed, meaning you don't get your payment!" the cloaked figure snapped and pulled back her hood, revealing Queen Helen.

"But you don't understand! It wasn't my fault," the guard said timidly.

"How was it not your fault?!" she shouted angrily. "You were supposed to murder them, and you didn't! You ruined an expensive chandelier in the process!"

Chandelier? What the hell was Queen Helen talking about?

"I can't do this, Queen," he said. "Please let me go. Recruit a different guard, any other guard! I'm certain plenty are...itching to murder her."

She sighed and rubbed her temple. "You know I can't just let you free. I must have you executed."

"I won't talk, I swear!" he promised. The fear in his eyes made me believe him. They showed hope, a hope that maybe, just maybe, this merciless Queen would let him live. "And you could always deny me. Just fire me and release me to the city. I'm certain I could make a living there. Please, merciful Queen."

Helen sighed. She could let this guard live but with the risk he might reveal her murder plot or she could risk executing him and seeing who would believe him.

"I'll let you live," she decided. He smiled and bowed down to her. "Only if every month you bring me reports of the town. Be my spy."

"Of course, your majesty," the guard said. "Of course."

"Now be gone," she said. "Our guests are arriving for the ball soon, don't want someone to see you."

He nodded and scampered off. Queen Helen sighed with relief and started walking away. Towards me.

She paused when she was directly align with the tree I was hiding behind.

"Who is here?" she asked. "Who is stalking me?"

I swallowed nervously. She couldn't catch me or I'd be executed.

"Show yourself and you'll be in less trouble," she said. I've heard that before. "Please, I promise. I...I swear on the River Styx."

I reluctantly stepped out from my hiding place. 

"I am so sorry, Queen Helen," I said and bowed. "I did not mean to watch you. I've only just come. I meant to, uh..."

"Perseus, you are not the one to be stuttering in this situation," she said and frowned. "What can I do to buy your silence? Food, supplies, royal jewels?"

" want to give me stuff?" I asked.

She nodded and sighed. "I know it sounds strange, but I have to. What do you want?"

I smiled with malice. "I want a basket full of royal jewels, food, and supplies."

"Done," Queen Helen said. "I thank you for your silence. Wait here as I fetch your supplies."

"Wait," I said. "I want an invitation. To the ball."

She frowned. "Why would a peasant boy like you want an invitation to a fancy ball?"

"I've never been to one. I want the castle experience," I lied. I need to see Annabeth.

Helen placed a hand on her chin as if she was considering my offer. "Alright, fine. But only if you are not to talk to any royalty, especially my step-daughter. And if anyone asks who you are say you are an undercover guard. If any guards have a problem with that, send them to me."

I nodded. "Yes, Queen."

I started walking, almost skipping, to the palace gates. I was going to a ball. I know that sounds lame but compared to me, it's fancy.

"Wait," Helen snapped. I turned around to face her. "Go see my tailor, first. Say it's a favor to me. You absolutely can not where that to a royal ball!"

My face grew warm as I peered down at my clothes-a ripped cloth shirt and pants with many patches hastily sewed on. Nothing special.

"Alright, I will," I promised Queen Helen. "As you wish."

"And Perseus," she said. "Do not speak to Annabeth. I will be watching you, don't make me arrest you."

"Of course, your majesty," I lied. "I wouldn't want to upset you, the royal family, or the party goers. My only wish is to die with the experience of a real party, a royal one."

She smiled maliciously. "Of course you do, peasant boy. Of course."

As I turned a sly grin appeared on my face. Little did she know...

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