"I know who you are." Rose replies, she hasn't even looked at Sofija, she knows beyher than to cross a fairy. "I said be quiet."

"What do you want?" Elena asks again.

Rose slaps Elena so hard, Elena is knocked out. "I want you to be quiet,"

Sofija looks at Elena. "She said that.... A couple times."

Rose looks at the fairy/witch, and she walks away.

Rose and Trevor have actually let Sofija Sit with them upstairs while they talk. Sofija doesn't necessarily like them because they're rude, but they haven't upset her or crossed her yet. So, she's going to be nice... For now. And rose likes Sofija, because she doesn't speak much.

"How's the girl?" Rose asks her friend.

"Still passed out." Trevor replies.

"You didn't touch her, did you?" Rose asks.

"Fife me some credit." Trevor replies. "So, you called him?"n

"No, I called one of his contacts," Rose replies. "You know how this works,"

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?" Trevor asks.

"They say he got it." Rose replies.

"Wonderful and what?" Trevor presses.

"So that's it, Trevor," Rose replies. "He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait."

"Look, it's not too late to run." Trevor says, Sofija noticed the fear in Trevor's eyes. "E can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this,"

"I'm sick of running!" Rose exclaims.

"Yeah?" Trevor inquires as if he's challenging her. "Well, running keeps us from dying."

"Elijah's old school," Rose replies. "If he accepts our deal, we're free."

A board squeaks from behind them. The three look, and see Elena.

"You!" Rose yells.. "There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?"

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asks the question that Sofija is thinking.

"He's your worst nightmare." Rose replies.

Sofija has listened to Rose, Elena and Trevor talk. She's been here for hours, and she's starving! She wants berries, and lots of them. She wants wine, lots of it.

"He's here!" Trevor panics, lulling Sofija from her thoughts. "This was a mistake."

"No, I told you I would get us out of this." Rose says. "You have to trust me."

"No!" Trevor exclaims. "He wants me dead, Rose!"

"He wants her more." Rose says, meaning the doppelgänger.

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