Martha nodded in agreement" Yes, someone has viciously accused her of some wrong doing and we need to know if it was true. Can you tell us if you have any information regarding what has transpired?"

Mrs. Hottle nodded" A Lady came to visit just the other day, and she said some very hateful things  to Ms. Holly."

Anna frowned" like what kind of things?"

" She told Ms. Holly that if she didn't stop associating with your family your Grace, that she was going to spread rumors about her at the next ball."

Martha shrieked" my poor baby, she is being accused of something she didn't do and being done in such a cruel way too."

Anna looked at Mrs. Hottle" You will be well rewarded if you can reveal to me the name of this Lady."

Mrs. Hottle nodded and began to spill all she knew," a Lady Clarissa came to call on Ms. Holly, but she didn't come here for that."

Martha and Anna looked at each other, Anna nodded " We thought as much, we want every detail possible on what had transpired when Lady Clarissa was here."

Mrs. Hottle began relaying the events that surrounded the visit, on how she treated Holly and Mrs. Hottle herself. She told of how after the girl had left, how Holly fell to her knees and wept for a solid hour. Martha  and Anna had tears in their eyes at hearing about the anguish that Holly felt. They now knew who started the rumor that falsely accused Holly of acting in a manner not fit for a Lady. To even suggest such a thing was slander, and it was punishable in a court of law. But Holly would never admit to what was just revealed, just because she was a sweet girl.

Mrs. Hottle stood there watching the exchange from the Duchess of Lancaster and Lady Campton. They both really loved Holly, which was very surprising to her since most of the ton didn't have nothing to with their children. Especially the younger children, it was usually the heir who got all the attention. She was happy to know that young girl upstairs had such a loving family. She always thought that a family should be loving and care about each other. 

Martha and Anna sat there for a bit drinking tea, Lindsay came down the stairs with a tear stained face. " I have talked to her and got out of her who would do this to her."

In unison they said" Lady Clarissa!"

Lindsay nodded" how did you find out?"

Anna smiled" one thing to remember dear is the servant know everything."

Lindsay nodded" I can see that, any ways she wants to go home tomorrow."

Martha nodded" I just wish she wouldn't  want to go home, I wanted to see that girl try to worm herself out of this."

Anna smiled" well one thing I know is if William thinks I will allow him to marry her and still be Duke when his father passes on he is mistaken. "

Lindsay grinned" I do know that Holly is in love with my brother, and she would make a great Duchess."

Anna smiled" and young lady, exactly how do you know this?"

Lindsay smiled" because while she sobbed, she made mention of his name and how now he wouldn't want her if she got a chance to be his wife." 

Martha sighed " well that Clarissa has ruined any chance for her to ever marry now, all with such childishness because she gets what she wants all the time.'

Anna smiled and jumped to her feet" I am going to squash her like a vermin under my shoe, and by the time I am done she will be begging Holly for forgiveness."

They all laughed, and Holly was none to the wiser of just what they were planning to do. Martha was going to take her daughter home till this all blew over and was swept under the rug. They can try again next season, but only if Holly wanted to try again. She knew that her daughter was in love with William, but how likely was it that he felt the same way?


William had watched as the Camptons were escorted out the doors, he felt his heart drop when he saw the hurt on her face. Why was someone spreading a vicious lie about Holly ? He didn't feel like dancing at all. Of course Clarissa made sure she danced every dance with any gentlemen that came to ask. Something was not right here, he didn't know if he could go on paying attention to someone who just made him feel this way. 

He just didn't feel the same way about her as he did about Holly. She didn't give him the feel of the sparks with each touch. It felt all wrong, he actually felt nothing. He knew that he could never love Clarissa, but Holly wasn't good enough. Not meaning as she wasn't good enough for him, just not good enough to be able to handle the role as Duchess some day. He was just confusing himself, he felt lust for Holly and nothing else. 

He looked at Clarissa and she had this smug look on her face, he wasn't sure if he liked it at all. Why would she be acting so smug for? There was something he was missing, he just couldn't put his finger on quite yet. But he was sure he would eventually find out just what she had to be smug about.

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