Chapter 7

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Drake rang the doorbell of the officer's house. They waited a few minutes, then Drake rang the bell again. The officer opened the door. He was a muscular man that appeared to be in his mid thirties. His brown eyes lit up in surprise when he saw Drake.

"Drake?" The officer asked. "Shouldn't you be in bed by now? It's one in the morning."

Drake shrugged. "I should," he replied. "But my friend Shady needs your help, Officer Jones." He glanced at Shady and motioned for her to take off the hood covering her face. She flipped her hood down, revealing her short black horns and blood red eyes. The police officer jumped a bit when he saw this, but he quickly calmed down.

"So she's like Daniel?" Officer Jones asked.

Drake shook his head. "She's Demonic," he said. "But not like him."

Officer Jones turned to Shady. "What is the problem Miss Shady?" He asked.

Shady showed him the scar on her arm and explained what had happened two years ago. "I need to find the murderer," she said. "And make him pay for his crimes."

"Hmm... This is serious." Officer Jones said. "But you should have called the police when it happened, I'm not sure if we can help you now."

Shady shook her head. "I couldn't call them because I thought they would attack me for being Demonic." She said. "But I think we might be able to catch the murderer anyway."

Shady created the Flame Vision, making Officer Jones jump back. But as the Flame Vision formed his mouth fell open in awe.

"This is the man that murdered my parents." Shady said. "Do you have any way to track him down by looks?"

Officer Jones nodded. "We can track him down in Headquarters." He said. "Do you think that you could come there with me tomorrow morning so you can do that fire thing again?"

Shady shook her head. "The sunlight will burn us." Shady said.

"That's why we would cover you up." Drake said. "You could wear a cloak or something."

"Do you think that would work?" Officer Jones asked Shady. She nodded.

"Then it's settled!" He said. "We'll pick you up at your house at seven am, alright?"

"Alright!" Shady and Drake said.

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