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*Amy's P.O.V*
So it's a "Double Wedding" on Impact tonight, myself and my twin got everything shipped over from Italy and we look ever so flawless, Eli is so gonna be inlove with me, Chantelle is only jealous because Eli choose me over her, that's why she pulls the evil eyes everytime she looks at me.
Maria: "Where is Allie?"
Sienna: "I don't know, I haven't seen her"
Maria: "This is totally unacceptable, she needs to be here, I'm gonna!!!!"
Sienna: "No, Maria I will text her now, if she knows what's good for her she will be here this instant"
Maria: "Oh ok"
5 minutes later here's Chantelle's sister Allie, what a surprise to see her 5 minutes late, she would be the type to be late for her own funeral let alone My Wedding, oh I mean Our Wedding.
Me:"Oh brought Chantelle with you?"
Allie: "Eh No actually"
Maria: "WHY NOT?"
Allie: "Because you fired her Misses Maria"
Maria: "Well a little birdy told me you brought her here last time so why isn't she here now?"
Allie: "Because I thought I would be upsetting you Miss Maria"
Maria: "Well bring her to the double wedding, we want her here so you and her can witness the beautiful brides get married to their men on this glorious night, come on, you were already 5 minutes late, get started, go now"
Allie: "I'm on it"
So Allie is probably gonna find Chantelle and I'm probably gonna go out of my mind unless Maria comes up with a great idea that will work in my favour but I hope that this is gonna go good, I can feel that tonight is gonna be so exciting.

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