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So Velvet Sky has to defeat Sienna in order to keep her job with TNA this is apparently the second time her job has been on the line.
My sister comes backstage just waiting for Velvet and tell her that her job is gonna be on the line tonight, if she defeats Sienna then of course Velvet is gonna stay with Impact but if she does not defeat Sienna she is gone.
Velvet: "Who are you?"
Allie: "Oh my name is Allie, I don't think you know this but I'm the apprentice of Miss Maria Kanellis Bennett...."
(Gets cut off)
Velvet: "Yes I get the picture, speaking of Maria Kanellis Bennett I want to see her right this minute"
Allie: "Sorry but she's not available  at the moment she only has time for her clients unfortunately you are not priority but she has left you a message..."
(Goes on her phone and looks at her texts)
Me: "I think that says your entitled to a championship match"
Allie: "No she's not, that's for Gail"
Me: "Hmmm"
Allie: "Oh here it is, if you don't defeat Sienna tonight you will be fired"
Velvet: "You don't scare me, I'll defeat Sienna bo problem"
Allie basically backed herself into a corner think Velvet was gonna attack her and I just looked at her.
Allie: "What?"
Me: "You are so chicken"
Allie: "I'm so not a chicken Chantelle"
Me: "Yeah right"
It turns out that Maria has no authority over the Knockouts not even Velvet but she likes to think she's got Authority just because she got to go to a meeting regarding management with soon to become TNA president Billy Corgan so really Maria should not be putting Velvet in this situation but she is and that's what she's gonna do.
So I was aside Allie and we were in Sienna's corner and what happened, yeah give Velvet some credit she thought hard in that match but Sienna crushed her in the ring and now she's gone.
Nearly all the fans were devastated but that's none of my business but whatever it is Maria believes she's getting shut of the crap but I kinda thought that Velvet was inspiring and so did the fans which is a real shame.
Me: "Actually I'm kinda sad that Velvet is gone"
Allie: "Why?
Me: "Because she's an inspiration to others and everyone liked her, Miss Maria is making a mistake"
Allie: "Ssh don't let her hear you say that"
Me: "And you say your not chicken"
Allie: "Whatever"
Maria was glad that Velvet is out but I think Gail was more furious about it but I had nothing to say I kept out of it but there's gonna be a time when Billy has to tell Maria that's she's not in charge Miss Maria will not be happy to hear that, shit is gonna then fan.

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