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So for some reason my Man has been so dull as of late and I want to know why, It's like he is never happy around me anymore it's just stupid.
Me: "What's wrong with you?"
Eli: "What do you mean?"
Me: "Well you always look depressed around me"
Eli: "Oh you only just noticed"
Me: "Now I have noticed it for quite awhile"
Eli: "And I thought you were the dummy, turns out I'm the dummy for being with you, you make me sick after what you did, were done"
Me: "What are you talking about?"
Eli: "You know what you did, don't ever lie"
I don't even know what he is talking about but if it is what I think it is then she deserves it anyway, she was about to ruin my relationship with Eli like she has done already and she's planning to ruin everything she got what she deserved in my book.
Eli always comes back to me, he always does this anyway, he loves me really tomorrow he will be wanting me back so today doesn't really bother me as much.
I can ready my man like a book, they always keep on coming back to me because I'm such a rich bitch and I know it.
I obviously told my sister and she thinks that he is a idiot anyway so really it is no big deal but with Chantelle out of my site I'm capable of everything and anything and no one is gonna stop me now not even Chantelle.
I know Eli likes her he can deny it all he wants but after what I have install for him he's always gonna be with me.

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