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So tonight was the most shocking night of my life, I just can't believe she's Knockouts Champion, Miss Maria is going crazy right now, Oh My God! What the hell!?
So what happened was Sienna had to defend her title because Billy Corgan wanted Maria to be fair with the Knockouts and do the right thing by them and she did by making it a no disqualification match and the Knockouts in the match was; Martibell, Jade, Sienna, Rebel, Allie and Madison Rayne.
I just watched and yeah Sienna isn't too impressed because the odds are not in her favour.
Allie should really be helping Sienna but this is a any woman for herself match so if someone wins then it's through their own hard work, anything can happen in these type of matches.
Half way though the match Sienna was knocked out of the ring.
Allie was defensless and Margo hit her with the golf club and she landed on top of Madison and Jade kicks Martin while the Ref was counting 1...2..3 and the winner and NEW Knockouts champion Allie!
WHAT? NO WAY JOSE! This was only the reaction of the commentators but the look on Miss Maria's face Oh My God, actually I was proud of my sister tonight but now I'm worried for her God knows what Miss Maria will make her do next she's already made her life a nightmare enough as it is.
I do believe she will make my sister give up the title she rightfully won.
However at the end of the day it was No DQ and it was every woman to herself Maria does have to accept this and Sienna will have to also, this couldn't get anymore petrifying now.
Allie: "I'm So Happy"
Me: "But What is Miss Maria going to think of all this?"
Allie: "Oh..."
This made Allie think then Maria came to myself and my sister and Maria said she was going to throw Allie a Celsbration on her win and I'm thinking Oh that's the only nice thing she's done for Allie so far but my gut later thinks she's up to something and it doesn't look good at all, well we will have to wait and watch now.

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