I'll wait for you

47 4 18



Pair: Granger x Alucard



October 1, 2018

It is a normal day in the Heroes Academy, doing their own normal business.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! BANG!

Granger sighs, twirling his gun and puts it down on the table. His watch beeping on his wrist, telling the others he's leaving. "I'm off."

"Oh come on, Gran! Five more minutes!" Lesley nudges his arm with a rifle in her other hand. Granger only gave her a blank look and picks up his bag, leaving the horrible loud screams of the guns in the room.

Granger does love to hold a gun and shoot whoever messes with him but it was just a little trial to join the military after he graduates. He walks up to the rooftop and plops his bag on the floor, sitting near the edge.

He opens his bag and takes out a small plastic Bottle, popping it open and pouring three pills on his bandaged palm. He sighs and puts three in his mouth, gulping it down with no water.

He closes the bottle and puts it back inside his bag, exchanging it with a sketchpad and a pen. He zips his bag close and shifts a bit to get comfortable on the floor, staring into space and dragging his pen on the pad unconsciously.

"Hey. What's your CD4 count?" Granger looks behind him to see, the one and only, Alucard. Smiling gently at him. "Hey. I'm Alucard."

Granger cocks his head and scoffs. "Disturbing." He mumbles and turns back to his sketch. Alucard came closer and stands beside him. "I saw the pills you gulped down. It just looks like the pills my uncle used to."

Granger rolls his eyes and puts his sketchpad back inside his bag, standing up, picking up his bag and turning his heels, walking away. "Uh—! My uncle. He's HIV positive too! I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you!"

"Mind your own business asshole!" Alucard frowns and sighs as he watches Granger leaves.

next afternoon

More loud bangs of the guns were heard in a room, Miya dodging every single bullet being shot to her, soon it stopped when Granger's watch beeps again. The others frown and scoff silently as Granger leaves.

When Granger arrived at the rooftop, doing the same thing but notices a comic book laying right on top the cobblestone fence. Picking it up and flips to a page, reading carefully.

"Please... don't be mad, I'll be leaving you alone though." Granger sighs and flips the pages boredly, going back and forth. "I just gave that comic to you because I thought you'd like it."

Granger scoffs and puts the comic down beside him. "You don't have to be shy or scared. I know how hard it is." Taking out his sketchpad again and sketch boredly on it. "I don't care about your uncle. I'm living a normal life. I don't have anything to be ashamed of."

Alucard frowns and cross his arms.

"Take your stupid comic with you, I don't read comics like that."

Alucard takes the comic hesitantly and sighs, sitting beside him and facing the opposite way. "My uncle... has less then 200 CD4 count now... He checked up to the doctor so late... so yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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