"Cut the shit Haz, the way you look at her is not the way 'friends' look at one another. Heard through the grapevine that you got you some while ole girl was out of town." He lets out a loud hearty laugh while my heart drops into the pit of my stomach. I frantically look around and make sure that no one else was in earshot of our conversation before turning around and steering Zayn away from the mass crowd.

"How the hell did you hear that?" His laughing ceases and he clears his throat. "Shit, you did fuck her. I thought I was just being fucked with." He runs a hand through his unruly straight hair and look to me. Fear radiates off my entire being as I fear the amount of people who may know this information. "You're really going back down this road again?" Disapproval is evidently written across his face and I can't help but to wonder what he's trying to get out.

"I don't understand."

"Im talking about your head being so far up your fucking ass that you don't realize that your repeating history mate. I know I'm not particularly one to speak but you got kids with this woman and after everything you did to her she was still willing to come back to you, and here you go fucking it up again. And watch, when she finds another man who actually treats her how she's supposed to be treated you're about to be all upset with your lip poked out." 

Out of the five of us mates, Zayn was always the closest to Jayde, matter of fact he was the one who introduced us to one another. He protects her as almost a bother in a way, so I can see where his concern is stemming from. When Jayde left, she not only ghosted me but the boys as well and Zayn was ready to chop my head off once he finally found out everything and the real reason she stopped talking to everyone.

Zayn and I honestly only rekindled our relationship just over a year ago after I sucked my pride up and apologized to him and explained to him everything that went on. I know he still has some ill feelings towards me for what I did and how I was the cause of ruining his and Jaydes relationship but I appreciate him trying to move forward and forgiving me for what happened in the past.

"I don't want to make the same mistake, I can't make up my mind. I want both of them but I only know that that happen in the perfect world, neither of them would go for that." Zayn clears his throat and begins walking towards the door to the backyard. "I can't tell you what to do, but all I will tell you is that you need to make up your mind, real quick. Your not about to do this to her a second fucking time, your a grow ass man with responsibilities its time out for all this little kid bullshit." He doesn't even give me a chance to respond before he walks out the door and back into the yard with the rest of our friends and family.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Aaliyah and Preston, happy Birthday to you!" The twins blow out the candles in their separate cakes and everyone breaks out into a fit of cheers and screams. Jayde and I stand proudly side by side, behind our overjoyed children and I can't help but feel this sense of, not only happiness but contentment within me. This is how life is supposed to be, its not supposed to be as problematic as we make it. All our friends sand families are all here to celebrate the life our children and despite what we've all been through and all our differences, we all still managed to make today a great day for everyone involved.

As our families are enjoying the expensive cake and ice cream I order, I find myself walking towards Jayde who's aimlessly wandering around the yard solo. "Hey."  she turns on her heels and  I watch as her freshly straightened hair flows in the wind and her eyes flutter towards mine.Moments like these, when she looks so naturally beautiful standing before me, is when I often kick myself down for being such a fuck up. Zayn words have been stirring inside my head ever since he voiced them and I can't help but to think that he's completely right.

"Hey, you really did an amazing job with the party Harry the kids have been going on and on all day about how this has been the best day of their lives."

"All the recognition goes to you, you planned and decorated practically everything, I just paid for it." she only shrugs. As I walk closer to her, sh leans her head onto my arm and closes her eyes. "This would be so perfect you know? You and I, the kids and the house, maybe even a dog." She lifts her head from my arm and shifts her gaze up. An emotion that I can't quite read lingers behind her eyes and she's sure to let me know that its there. All too soon she tears her gaze away and focuses on the grass beneath her feet. "Harry.." is all she needs to say fro me to already know where her train of thought is leading to. "I can't do this. Not right now, we've all had a great and I don't want it to be ruined by empty promises and false hope." She angles a look over her shoulder and then focuses her attention forward.

"Jennas coming, we can talk later." The color from her face drains and she rushes into the house but I'm not able to go after her because a pair of small hands wrap around my torso and a head forces its way under my arm. "Come over by the rest of the group hun, I have a surprise for everyone." She grabs a hold of my hand and practically drags me to the middle of all our family. 

"Can I get everyones attention!" The chatter among the group ceases within the seconds and everyones attention is diverted to the two of us.

"As you all know, Harry and I have been together for quite some time and hav been through so many obstacles, this year alone." I can feel all the oxygen slowly leaving my being as I listen to her speech and fear what she's going to say. Jaydes family is the first group of people I make eye contact and their all staring me down as if I've grown a second head. My eyes go wide and I, as discreetly as possible shake my head.

Next I spot the boys and see smiles on some faces and Zayn blankly staring back and slowly making his way from the crowd and towards the house.

This can't be good.

"Finding out about and meeting the twins has been such a blessing and were really starting to feel like a real family. I love Harry more than life itself, he's truly my best friend, someone I can confide in and trust my life with. He's someone who I know wouldn't defy me and go behind my back in anytime of way." Her grip on me tightens and I go stiff in her hold. I scan over the sea of faces and by the looks of some of them, they know how much significance that that sentence has. "Harry is who I want to grow old with, expand our family with and grow old with. So with all of our closest friends and family here to witness how powerful our love truly is," she bends down and tables herself onto her knees.

Fucking hell.

"Harry, Will You Marry Me?"

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