Hopefully they could fix that now.

Aomine deserved a chance in their lives. Walking out without giving a chance wasnt right either. For them it didnt matter that Aomine hadnt been in their lives for the past 16 years, but they would like to have him as a part of their family from now on. It wasnt too late to create a bond together so they could be a happy family..


Daiki and Kiseki went to the police station first. They didnt know where Aomine lived, but they knew he was a cop, so the police station was their best shot. Walking up to the reception, Kiseki gave the woman in uniform behind the desk a small smile. "Hi, um.. We're looking for Aomine-san. Is he here?"

The reception lady looked up with a small smile. "He is. Do you have an appointment with him or do you wish to report anything?" She asked.

"N-no, we dont have an appointment, but it's important that we talk to him." Kiseki insisted, but the receptionist wasnt really accepting her words.

"I'm sorry, but unless you have an appointment or something to report I can't let you through." She said. "Would you like to make an appointment?"

"No, that's okay." DJ said, cutting in. He asked for a piece of paper and wrote down a time and location. "Could you ask him to meet us here for lunch? If the time isn't convenient, that's okay, we'll wait." He said, handing the receptionist the note. "Tell him it's from his kids and that we would like to talk to him." DJ said.

The receptionist looked a little confused, but nodded and stood up to go hand the note to Aomine.

DJ grabbed his sister and pulled her back out of the police station. "I guess it's just wait and then hope he shows up at Maji Burgers." He sighed as they started walking over to said location. Of course there was a chance that Aomine wouldnt want to talk to them, but they were his kids! They couldnt force the police to do anything so to go demanding a bunch of shit wouldnt help them.

Reaching the burger place, Kiseki and Daiki found themselves a booth and just sat down. They just had breakfast so they weren't hungry, but they didnt feel like going some place first and then come back later. Maybe Aomine would have an early lunch, who knew.


So the twins sat there, bored, for a few hours. At some point they had ordered a milkshake each, but they were getting a little nervous. What if Aomine wouldnt show up? What if he meant what he said last night about not being in their lives. Last nights arguments had been pretty loud and angry, maybe Aomine just wanted to forget about them.

But the cop was outside the restaurant, just staring at it with the piece of paper in his hand. A part of him was wondering what he was doing here. Yeah, they were his kids, but Kagami wouldnt allow him in their lives. Kagami clearly didnt want to or he would have let him know something over the past 16 years.

The fight from last night had done nothing. They were no further than before. Sure he now knew that he was a father, he knew what his teenage kids looked like, but he still wasnt in their lives. Had the kids heard the fight from last night? Well... They had been pretty loud so beyond the door they must have heard some muffled yelling, but he didnt think they had heard the full argument. Maybe Kagami had been a little right for not telling him, only a TINY bit, back then he wouldnt have been the best dad. At 16 no one would make a great dad! But it still would have been nice to know if he had kids. Now he was 35, he was not the same man he was so long ago.

It's why he now stood here in front of Maji Burgers. His kids wanted to see him. He didnt know why, even if it was just to turn him down, at least he had seen them and things would then go back to normal. Kagami could raise them and he could pretend like he didnt know, and things would be like they used to be.

Stepping through the doors of the familiar fast food place, Aomine took off his officer's hat and looked for the twins. With their hair color they were pretty quick to find. When their eyes landed on each other, he could see the twins stiffen nervously, so he just quietly walked over to their booth and went to slide onto the couch on the opposite side of them. "Your dad wont be too happy knowing that you two are here to see me." Aomine said.

Kiseki fiddled with her straw nervously, but DJ seemed to be serious about this- he was unfazed. "We heard everything last night." DJ said, short and straight forward. "We know you're our other parent and if you're really going to walk out on us you should be saying it to us and not just to our dad. We always wanted to meet our other parents, to have two parents like everyone else. We end up finding out who our dad is one night, but also see him walk out the same night an hour later!"

Did no one care about their feelings? Did no one care about their thoughts because they were a bunch of kids? It was unfair. They had a voice too! They were old enough to know what they wanted and what they didnt!

Kiseki placed a hand on DJ's shoulder when he started getting worked up. She turned to look at Aomine with a small smile on her face. "What DJ is trying to say is that we would really like to spend some time with you, Aomine-san, and get to know you better as our other dad." She said. "If you don't want to that's fine, we'll stop bothering you, but you're only the only one who missed out, we missed out on a second dad too."

Their dad had never told them for a reason who their other parent was. If she was in her dad's shoes she didnt know what she would have done. Maybe it had been the right decision at first, but that didnt mean he should have kept it a secret forever.

Aomine looked at the twins and suddenly let out a loud sigh. "You're dad doesn't know about this, does he?"

"Nope." DJ grinned- as if it was something to be proud of.

Aomine deadpanned a little at that, it seemed all too familiar. "Look, I'm fine with spending some time with you kids-"


"BUT!" Aomine added quickly. "Your dad has to be okay with it. I'm the one that's going to be in trouble otherwise." He sighed. These were his kids. He wanted to get to know them! Even if it wouldnt become like a father-child bond but just as friends or as acquaintances, he was fine with that too.

Kagami was most likely not going to be fine with this.

"Here." Aomine said and handed the kids his card. "Call me when you talked to your dad about it. We can arrange something, but for now I have to get back to work."

The look on the twins faces was priceless. They completely lid up with bright smiles on their faces as they accepted the card together. This had been worth their hours of waiting!

"Now run off, your dad is probably wondering where you are."

"Y-Yes sir!" They beamed before running off.

Aomine watched the leave, smirking a little as they were bouncing all over the place. These kids weren't so bad.. His kids weren't that bad. "I still cant believe I'm a dad." He mumbled as he rubbed his face.

A/N: Thank you all for reading! I was able to post sooner then expected since I had a week off from college. Hopefully I'll be able to update again soon^^ Let me know what you thought of this chapter and what you hope to happen next!

XXX KneelingAngel

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