Chapter 11

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A/N: Quickly before you start reading, this story made it to #5 in KNB, I never expected to reach this high when I got the idea for this story. Thank you all so much for reading and being patient with me about updating. You guys are the best, I hope you enjoy this newest chapter! ^^

The twins gasped when Aomine dropped his mug of coffee, spilling the content all over the table and the floor. "Aomine-san, are you okay?" Daiki asked worried as Kiseki hurried up from her eat to get a cloth. "Did you burn yourself?"

"W-Wha.. U-um. Eeh..." Aomine couldnt form any words. These were his kids?! These two in front of him?! Twins?! This had to be a joke! Some dumb coincidence! It HAD to be! He had sex with Kagami once, just once after a one-on-on. It had been in the heat of the moment and neither of them had any protection on them. They were basketball dorks! They weren't thinking of having sex with girls! ... Well he had his magazines, but those were mainly to just look at. It wasnt like he ever had sex with a girl! He didnt have sex with a girl bug he had fucking sex with Kagami. Once, just once..

It couldnt have been that big of a deal! Who got pregnant right away?!

... It did explain that he never saw Kagami on TV, never saw him play any games.. Even the lack of contact made sense.

"Aomine-san?" DJ said, having his hand in front of the man's face, finally getting contact with the man. "You look pale, are you okay?" He asked as Kiseki cleaned up the mess.

Aomine was in shock. He had to talk to Kagami. Like, right now! "Where is your father?" Aomine asked.

"He's on his way back. I texted him." Kiseki said. She looked up a little worried. "I-is there something wrong?" First of all, now that she thought about it, there was a stranger in their house. Even if the man was a cop, who knew what he could do.. Was there something wrong? It seemed like it. She was getting really uncomfortable.

Aomine swallowed nervously as he watched the girl look up at him. Her eyes matched his perfectly and her short hair was a lot like Kagami's, just two layers of blue instead of red. Now that he finally saw the resemblance to these kids, it was freaky to see how much they looked like him. Both twins had different features but it was obviously there. He was a parent... He was a father to twins! "Fuck me.." Aomine mumbled, hiding his face in his hands. "How old are you kids again?" He asked, hidden behind his hand.

"16." Daiki said. "Well, 17 in October." He smiled proudly. No more being called a kid, he was closer to being an adult!

"16..." Aomine mumbled and sighed. He hadnt known he had kids for that long? WHY DIDNT THAT BAKAGAMI TELL HIM?! That motherfucker! ... Well... If Kagami carried the kids, didnt that mean that he was the- NO, HE DIDNT WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT!

Kiseki was still confused, but she went to take the dirty cloth away and make Aomine-san another cup of coffee. Hopefully the old man would know how to hold a mug this time!

Suddenly jingling of keys were heard and Kagami stepped inside, panting and sweating as if he had run. "Daiki!"

"Yeah." Both DJ and Aomine answered at the same time. They kind of froze and blinked at each other, but before they could question it, there was a startled yell from Kagami. "Aomine! What are you doing here?! Get out of my house!" Kagami demanded, to which Aomine growled. "Shouldnt you be thanking me?! I brought your son back to your house, Bakagami!" He snapped back.

Tension was rising quickly, both the twins looking with wide eyes, totally confused at the sudden atmosphere in the house. That escalated quickly. "I-It's true." DJ said. "I got lost and ended up bumping into Aomine-san. He lead me home and we couldnt really send him home right away so we offered him something to drink-"

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