Chapter 1

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"Do you have your lunch box, Kiki?"

"Hai!" Kiseki shouted as she zipped up her bag.

"DJ, don't forget your books."

"I got them right here." Daiki said lazily as he fixed his uniform jacket.

Kagami smiled and proudly crossed his arms over his chest. The twins were already 16 years old and were gonna start at Seirin, the high school he had been at before he had gone back to America. They were a little late since school started three months ago, but with them moving and all they couldn't have made it the beginning of the year. It wasn't like this move had been really planned... It just kind of happened... It had been a feeling Kagami had, he wanted to come home. He didn't know why Tokyo but the job he had paid most here so why not? It also seemed right to put them on Seirin, it was an amazing school with an amazing basketball team which the twins would love. They just didn't have a girls team so Kagami was pretty sure Kiseki would be disappointed and come home pissed off.

"Alright then, have a good day at school you two." Kagami smiled and the twins waved before heading out of the door.

"You think they'll like us?" Kiseki asked DJ as they walked down the street to go to school. "I mean, we have always kind of been the odd ones out." She said as she tried to pull her skirt uniform down a little more. It was super short, how on earth could she walk without flashing her panties to everyone?! If a gust of wind came she would be in so much trouble.

Daiki shrugged. "I don't really care. No one needs to like you, you have me." He smiled and wrapped an arm around her neck happily. "As long as they have a good basketball team!"

"Hey! Watch my hair!" Kiseki shouted and pushed her brother away with a playful giggle before fixing her long dark blue hair. "Last one to reach school has to wash dishes tonight!" She called before sprinting off. Daiki blinked once before grinning and running after his sister.


"Everyone, please welcome our new students from America." The teacher smiled as the twins stood in front of their new class. The new school year had started about three months ago so the twins were dropping in, but they didn't really mind.

"Thank you for having us. My name is Kagami Kiseki and this is my twin Daiki. Nice to meet you!" They said and bowed like their dad had showed them to do. They didn't really grow up with the standard Japanese greetings or knew anything about the culture. It was the bare minimum they knew. Like not to point with their chopsticks, as an example.

"Please find a seat and take out the books that have been given to you, if you have any troubles just raise your hand." The teacher smiled as Kiseki and Daiki bowed again before they found their seat. Their classmates looked at them with wide eyes and shock a little. Kiseki and Daiki were both crazy tall! Kiseki was 186 cm and DJ 190 cm, on top of that they were both still growing!

Kiseki and Daiki fist bumped each other before each finding their seats. They weren't able to sit next to each other, which might be good for once. They were always together, to have the twins separated even a little might give them a chance to both make their own friends and develop their personalities in the class room.

"Alright class." The teacher announces. "Please grab your books so class can start." The woman smiled and moved to write something on the board.

Kiseki grabbed her books from the school back, placing it on her table before noticing the girl next to her holding a Gudetama pen. She gasped softly. "You like Gudetama? Me too!" She smiled. "My name is Kagami Kiseki, call me Kiki."

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