uh so oof?

7 0 0

Tbh idk what the hell this is but it's like 4 years later let's make this worse than it already is shall we.


Misty barged into the castle with a bloody and unconscious Cecil in her hands. She had absolutely no idea where the infirmary was and it was just her luck that everyone was in the middle of eating dinner in the great hall. Actually, it was probably pretty lucky as this situation would have been a nightmare to explain, especially to a bunch of timid first years.

Misty heard muttering from around the corner and, with great difficulty, she (attempted) to hide behind a statue in the hallway. The muttering and heavy footsteps were coming closer and closer. Misty held her breath but she was confused as to why until the girl bleeding out in her arms let out a groan. The footsteps stopped and the voice let out a sigh.

"No good students, probably those Gryffindors up to their no good pranks," the voice grumbled out in a low and quite cranky tone.

Misty held her breath as a cat came towards her meowing and giving away her location. She had a feeling she knew who this was and oh boy was this going to be an interesting year. In a second someone, who misty could only guess to be Filtch, snatched her up by her collar and flung a lantern into her face.

"Now you best not be causing trouble-" He registered the quite bloody situation and took a few steps back in alarm.

"Uh," Misty spoke up, "you wouldn't by any chance know where the infirmary is do you?"

He suffered for a moment trying to regain himself, making a string of unintelligible sounds.

"It's kind of urgent." Misty pushed a little. Not really sure of what on earth was going on. She wasn't doing the best job of it but in her defense, she had only been in this world for a total of about 6 hours and a lot has happened.

Filtch turned on his heel and started marching towards what misty could only assume as the infirmary unless of course he was an asshole and was ok with having a death on his hands.

"Keep the blood of my floors I just cleaned." Filtch practically growled at her.

An interesting year indeed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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