Letters and Wolves

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Misty POV
"You're a wolf," I nearly shouted out of shock.
My best friend whom I have known my entire life is a wolf. Okay, I seriously don't know why I am shocked by this. I mean I just met the marauders who are a group of fictional characters from my favourite series of books. So this doesn't really compare. Anyway back to the fact that my best friend is a wolf.

"You're a wolf!" I actually shouted this time.

You already said that.

Oh did I forget to mention, Cecil can telepathically communicate to us humans.
"... I wonder if this is explained in the letter?" I wondered out loud.

What letter?

"Oh, I went to see Dumbledore. Now don't freak out, but he doesn't know why we are here or how we got here. But he had this letter," I explained pulling out the letter, "he said it arrived only moments before I knocked down his door."

Dumbledore didn't know something?! What is happening to this world?!

"Okay, you seriously need to stop being dramatic. Your giving me a headache."

Whatever. Just explain.

"Okay, no need to be rude about it. So Dumbledore said he didn't have the answers I was looking for, then he said some other stuff and gave me this letter. He said it will give us all the answers we need."

Who sent it?

"He didn't say."

Open it and read. Genius.

"Fine." I looked at the old letter in my hand and read out the writing on the front.

"Cecilia Emerald and Melinda Sapphire"

"Dear Cecilia and Melinda,
As you may have noticed you are in the Harry Potter universe. First thing to remember is don't freak out. Unfortunately I can not tell you how or why you are here. But you will find out when the time comes. What I can tell you is you are here for a reason. You are both extremely important, so don't die. Also don't tell anyone where you are from and don't fuck anything up too badly. Oh, who am I kidding you are going to end up fucking so much up.

Anyway don't talk about what you know. Stay clear of Voldemort and by that I mean don't kill him. It is not your mission and he must die at the right time. Don't try and set up Lily and James cause you'll end up fucking everything up, they'll get together eventually. Also, Whatever you do, Don't kill Peter Pettigrew!!! No matter how much you hate him he is important. Befriend Lily and the Marauders. Also be kind to Severus Snape, He is important.

Now you are probably wondering why you can create something out of nothing if you want it badly enough. Well I can't actually tell you that yet. But I thought I should just bring it up. Don't show anyone that you can do that. They will probably kill you or something and that's not good.

About the Thestrals... Don't think about it too much it will give you a headache and make you sad. It is not what you think. Honestly I don't even understand it myself. But you will. I know that these aren't really answers but you have to figure out a lot of this by yourselves.

In this world you will still be Cecilia Emerald Heart and Melinda Sapphire Star. Dumbledore will probably say that you two are exchange students, though I am not sure. Talk to him about that, But don't tell him about the future. AT ALL. He can't know anything. He won't ask, he understands the risk, but i'm afraid that curiosity is a powerful thing.

Now for the question you both have been waiting for. The Answer to why Cecilia is a wolf. Well remember that time when you both went camping with Katherine and in the middle of the night a wolf came into camp. Remember how when you were trying to get away it bit Cecilia on the ankle? That wasn't an ordinary wolf, infact it wasn't a wolf at all. It was a human. A man with the moon in his blood. Once there where many of his kind but they were slaughtered. They were creatures from a different dimension, they weren't from this world or from yours. The magic was in their blood but could also be passed on during wolfs time.

That's what happened to you, Cecilia. Now these creatures had the ability to transform at will but every month on the full moon if you denied the moon's call then it would feel like there was fire coursing through your veins but it would also feel like it was ice. These creatures were very secretive so there is a lot I don't know. I wish I could of been more help but there is not much information about them. Oh! You are probably wondering why you have only been able to hear the moon's call now. It is because in your world magic does not exist. Also I don't know how the Wolf got into your world but he must of escaped before his kind was slaughtered.

Don't wonder who I am. I cannot tell you and you may never figure it out. But do know that if you ever need help or answers, just concentrate on what you want. I will try to help you both but in some cases I might not be able to. Good luck.

Always cause Confusion

Cecil's P.O.V
"Who in Narnia is 'A' and Why don't they give a straight answer?!" Misty somewhat screamed at me.

Well I don't know!

"No need to yell." Misty pouted and I attempted to roll my eyes but then I remembered I am a Wolf. Wolves can't roll their eyes. Wait... This 'A' person never told me how to change back.

Misty, I don't know how to change back into a human.

"Well that's not good."

No it is not...

"Well maybe if you concentrate and use that power thing we have then you will be able to change back."

You are so weird but I think that might just work.

I focused on myself transforming into a human again. At first it didn't work but then I focused on every detail of my human body. From the bite on my ankle, to my birthmark, to the new scratch across my shoulder blade because of Moony. The transformation was painful and it felt like my lungs were on fire. My bones shifted and changed, you could hear them cracking and moving. The fur I had as a wolf seemed to reverse and grow into my skin, it felt like I was being stabbed all over my body with millions of needles. Misty shouted out as I whimpered and screamed in pain. She couldn't do anything, she had to watch. After what seemed like forever the pain stopped and the moon's light shone against my bare skin.

I turned to look at Misty and she had a look of horror on her face.

A.N. Sorry for not uploading for a million years!! I haven't been able to update because I haven't had a laptop so I haven't been able to write or update because of that. Sorry again it is just I don't really want to write on my phone and updating on a phone is absolute hell on earth so yeah sorry. School has started up again for me so please don't expect regular updates. If you read this authors note you are magical!!

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