If Dumbledore Doesn't have Answers We're Screwed

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Cecil POV.

“Get some Moony!” That was definitely Sirius. OOO! I have a plan!!! *Super Happy dance* I broke it off and turned to Sirius with a confused look.

“Wha…” I started trailing off as my eyes travelled up to the sky. “The moon…” I whispered, I was in some sort of trance.  

“What do you mean the moon?” asked Peter. Ok he is not the smartest of the bunch.“It’s full…” My voice was barely above a whisper. I was scared and the fear was evident in my eyes. I was not scared of the werewolf holding me but by the fact that I felt as though Fire was coursing through my veins… I felt as though the moon was calling me and that was never a good thing. The marauders and I were the only ones outside of the castle… We are all going to die now.

Misty’s POV.

I made it to Dumbledore's office and said “Sherbet Lemon” The gargoyle looked at me funny but still let me pass. I raced up the spiral staircase, and barged through the door. Only to see the great Dumbledore himself sitting behind his desk unwrapping a lemon drop.

“Ahh, I’ve been expecting you, Melinda,” he said calmly. “Sit. lemon drop?”

I sat. “No, I have never really liked lemon flavoured lollies… or orange…”

“Am I right to say you are here to ask for answers?” He spoke as if he knew something but not everything. This terrified me.

“Yes” I said cutting straight to the point.

“I am sorry to say, Melinda, but I do not know the answers.”

I looked at him with a confused look on my face. “What do you mean. If you ‘don't know’ then how did you know I was going to be here. How did you know my name?”

“A letter came to me moments before you  arrived.” He stood. I only now noticed a letter in his hand. It was old with burnt and wrinkled corners, I wonder what it went through to get here.

“Here,” He spoke passing it to me, “I believe it will give you the answers you seek. Now you and your friend are welcome to stay here. You will be sorted tomorrow evening.” He paused for a moment looking around. “Where is your friend?”

“With the Marauders probably…” I said my focus solely on the letter in my hands.

“It’s a Full Moon tonight.” His airy voice came from the window and with that he left. Most likely to the great hall. It took a while before it clicked. It was a full moon… Cecil was with the Marauders… Remus was a werewolf…  

“Oh, Shit”

A.N Sorry for the short Chapter and the wait I have been having a bit of writer's block lately that plus school = Short and Slow updates. Sorry! I promise I will try and Update more frequently! I am writing this in my english class at the moment because We were given assignment time. C’Ya

Love Cecil <3

The Adventures of Cecil and Misty *Book 1*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora