Note the Sarcasm

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Cecil's POV

(After Remus Slashed her shoulder)

Remus reached out at me again but I was pulled back by a large black dog, and a stag gracefully landed in front of me in an act of protection. I am officially scared now, my blood is burning me but at the same time it feels like ice. My veins are turning black, I pulled the sleeves of my sweater down in case they saw. They can't know because they would probably think that it was somehow Remus' fault and then he would blame himself. I am being dramatic, it kind of sounds like I am dying or something. I am not dying okay? Okay. Good now back to the 'I am being attacked by a werewolf thing'. Yeah that is still happening. I need to sneeze. Damm you nose. Anywho...

Sirius was barking at me. That was a weird sentence... Okay from now on when they are in their animagus and werewolf forms I am going to call them by their nicknames. So... Padfoot was barking at me. I think he was telling me to run. Either that or he was telling me about his pet duck named Jeffrey, who is apparently a ninja. I am going to go with the first one because it seems more likely considering the situation.

So I got up and ran.

Straight into the forbidden forest.

Well done Cecil, Brilliant idea!

Note the sarcasm.

Suddenly a sharp pain filled my body starting in my heart. It felt as though I was dying. I am only guessing. I actually don't know what dying feels like, cause I have never died before. At least I think I have never died before... Nah! probs haven't. Now um, where was I? Oh yeah I think I actually am dying.

The pain spread throughout my body and reached my fingertips and my toes. I pulled up my sleeves to see that my veins were pitch black. All of my veins were this time not just my arms. I am going to die. This was a Sirius-ly bad idea. See what I did there. Oh my merlin even on my death bed, I'm a genius.

Then all of a sudden everything went black.

A.N. I am so sorry it was so short! I am having sirius writers block! I wrote this during class.

If you have any ideas or if you just really want something to happen feel free to comment or message me, I will give you credit so don't worry. Again sorry for the short chapter.

Love you all ~Cecilia

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