"When I speak to people from the North, they all loved your father." She complimented him about his family.

"He was best man I ever met. I know children always think that about their fathers, but-" Robb began to state only for her to cut him off.

"Children do not always think that about their fathers, believe me." A underline tone to her voice. But the young king was too oblivious to catch if.

"He once told me that being a Lord is like being a father, except you have thousands of children and worry about all of them. The farmers plowing the fields are yours to protect. The charwoman scrubbing the floors, yours to protect. The soldiers you order into battle. He told me he woke with fear in the morning and went to bed with fear in the night. I didn't believe him. I asked him. 'How can a man be brave if he's afraid?' 'That's the only time a man can be brave,' he told me." The king described his late father.

When Jaidyn had told him she was pregnant he had thought of this story and worried about what kind of father he would be. But not he wondered if he might ever get a chance with them fighting this war. No one knew when it might be over.

"I wish I could have met him." She stated after hearing his statement.

"He would've liked you." Robb added to her comment. His father had generally liked alot of people with good personalities.

"Most Lords worry more about their gold and their glory then the charwoman scrubbing their floors." Talisa mentioned believing that nobles didn't care for anyone lower than them.

"He didn't care about gold or glory." Robb retorted not wanting to paint a bad image of his late father.

"And you?" The nurse bravely asked.

"You think I'm fighting this war so they'll write songs about me? I want to go home. I want the men following me to go home." Robb responded truthfully. He never wanted this war, he was forced into it.

The young king wanted nothing more than to go home to his family. To be with his wife and start their new life as parents. But now with everything that's happened, he wondered if he might ever get that chance. The idea of a future was getting further and further from him.

"Then why don't you?" She asked seeing how he was a king now. What he ordered people would obey.

"Because we'll never be safe until the Lannisters are defeated. And because I believe in justice." He replied listing his reasoning.

The Lannisters have always held a place of authority in Westeros. They were the richest house and now with the Queen being a key player, they could get away with anything. They had no right to take his father's head because he found out the truth. The Lannisters needed to pay for what they have done to the Seven Kingdoms.

"Chopping off Joffrey's head, you mean." She stated with a tone meaning she didn't necessarily approve of the notion.

"That would be a start." He admitted knowing that was his ultimate goal. The boy had taken his father and had the audacity to keep his sisters hostage. He wouldn't hide behind his mother's skirt for long.

Their walk didn't last for long after as someone rode up to inform the king about what had just occured. But little did he know was that evening would be a series of events.

The Black Bear 》Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now