BrendonUrie 116 *trigger warning*

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"Dallon please open the door!" I yell as I'm trying to shove a credit card between the door and the door frame. "Dallon! Fuck!" I say as I start crying. I'm scared to see what's on the other side of this door.

I'm getting nowhere with this. I drop the credit card then walk downstairs to the garage. I find a dusty tool box that me and Dallon never use because we are both lazy and don't fix anything around our apartment. I open it up and grab a screwdriver.

I run back upstairs to our bedroom and walk up to the locked bathroom door. I struggle for a second but finally start getting the screws on the door handle loose.

I finally remove all the screws and bust open the door. I see an unconscious Dallon laying on the floor. I put my pointer and middle finger on his neck to feel his pulse. It's there but it's weak.

I pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1. I nervously pace the bathroom. I stop at the sink and notice an empty bottle of Dallon's PTSD medication. "Dallon what did you do?!"

"9-1-1 operator. What's your emergency?" "I need you to send an ambulance! My husband overdosed on Zoloft! He's unconscious right now and needs to be taken to the hospital!" "Calm down sir. The ambulance is on their way."

I hang up the phone then I call Zack and tell him what happened. I ask him if he can pick up Knox from school and keep him at his place for a while. Zack says he will.

I stay by Dallon's side until the ambulance gets there. When they do arrive I hand them the empty pill bottle. They put Dallon on a gurney and roll him out into the ambulance. I climb in along with the EMT. They give Dallon an IV and take his blood pressure. His pulse is really low and it's scaring me.

Once we get the the hospital I follow the EMT to the room they put Dallon in. A doctor comes in the room and starts asking me questions about what happened today. What might have caused him to overdose. If I thought he was suicidal. If he has past suicidal tendencies.

He overdosed because he was having severe flashbacks from past trauma. I didn't think he was suicidal and he hasn't had past suicidal tendencies.

The doctors hook him up to machines for the mean time. They think he should wake up soon. They say he just passed out due to the overdose. "Are you gonna pump his stomach," I ask. "After we run some blood tests," the doctor replies.

I hold Dallon's hand the whole time just praying he wakes up. I wipe some leftover tears in my eyes away. A young looking lady walks into the room and takes some of Dallon's blood. I can't watch.

I lay my head on Dallon's lap listening to the slow beeping of the machines that are tracking his heart beat. I start drifting off when the doctor comes back in. "The level of Sertraline in his system is going down so we won't need to pump his stomach," the doctor says, "He should be waking up soon. If you need help just push the emergency call button right next to you on the bed." "Okay." The doctor then leaves the room and we're alone again.

"Come on dally you can do it. Please wake up." I wait patiently for hours. I'm not leaving his side.

After about 3 hours I feel his hand twitch in mine. "Dal are you awake?" I watch his eyes flutter open. He looks at me for a second then pulls his hand away. "D-Don't touch me!" He shouts. "It's okay Dallon it's just me."

He's breathing heavily and his heart rate is speeding up rapidly. "G-Get away from m-me! Now!" "Dal," I say as my eyes water up.
"Stop! Get away from me! Go! Don't touch me! Stop Gerard! STOP! STOP! STOP!" Dallon screams freaking out.

I stand in the corner of the room crying. Nurses run into to the room to try and calm him down. He just freaks out more. So they give him a shot to calm him down.  It takes a few seconds to kick in but eventually he stops screaming.

I slowly walk over to him. "P-Please don't hurt me," he begs quietly. "I'll never hurt you Dallon. You're safe with me. Can I hold your hand?" "N-No." A tear rolls down my cheek.

I sit down in the chair next to Dallon's bed. I watch him slowly fall asleep. I go on my phone and call Zack. I ask to speak to Knox. I tell him that he can't come home tonight but his daddies love him. I read him a bed time story over the phone. After that he hands the phone back to Zack and goes to bed.

A doctor comes in and talks to me. He says that something must have triggered Dallon's PTSD. He says that they're gonna keep Dallon overnight to make sure he's safe and that I should figure out what triggered Dallon. Then he tells me visiting hours are over and I have to go home.

I kiss Dallon on the forehead and tell him goodbye even though he's sleeping. Then I grab my things and head home.

When I get home the apartment feels empty. I lay in bed and just sob for what feels like hours. But then I hear a ding. It sounds like a cellphone notification. It didn't come from my phone. It came from the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and see that Dallon has a message on snapchat. I think I know what triggered his PTSD.

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