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BrendonUrie: what's all this white stuff

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BrendonUrie: what's all this white stuff

DallonWeekes: it's jizz lmao

BrendonUrie: really??? Whose is it???

DallonWeekes: I'm kidding you dumbass it's snow

BrendonUrie: I'm not a dumbass I'm a smart ass

DallonWeekes: no I'm pretty sure that's me

BrendonUrie: let's agree to disagree

BrendonUrie: see that's smart thinking

DallonWeekes: smart thinking not smart ass thinking

DallonWeekes: I'm the smart ass

BrendonUrie: I guess you just haven't seen that part of me yet

DallonWeekes: no honey I've seen every part of you

BrendonUrie: that's not what I meant I guess you really are a smart ass

DallonWeekes: it's natural

BrendonUrie: just like your sexuality

DallonWeekes: I can't help it I was born awesome

BrendonUrie: and I was born boring???

DallonWeekes: no you were born talented

BrendonUrie: no I wasn't

DallonWeekes: are you kidding you are the most talented person I know

BrendonUrie: meh

DallonWeekes: you need an ego boost

BrendonUrie: nah I'm good

DallonWeekes: have you ever heard yourself sing

BrendonUrie: I'm not saying I'm a bad singer I just wouldn't say I was born talented

DallonWeekes: let's agree to disagree

BrendonUrie: sure but when I say that you still argue with me

DallonWeekes: it's not arguing when you know I'm right

BrendonUrie: oh really

DallonWeekes: REALLY

DallonWeekes: Brendon?

DallonWeekes: Brendon??

DallonWeekes: Brendon???

DallonWeekes: BRENDON

BrendonUrie: WHAT!!

DallonWeekes: why didn't you respond

BrendonUrie: my phone died

DallonWeekes: oh.

BrendonUrie: don't worry I'm not mad at you

BrendonUrie: you just get cocky sometimes

DallonWeekes: what about cocks

BrendonUrie: I swear you have selective hearing

DallonWeekes: true

BrendonUrie: well I'm gonna let my phone finish charging while I go back outside

DallonWeekes: k00l

BrendonUrie: what are you doing

DallonWeekes: following you

BrendonUrie: where did you come from

DallonWeekes: my mom

BrendonUrie: same

DallonWeekes: do you want to go make snow angels with me!?!?!?

BrendonUrie: sure

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