1. Something True

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I held you in my arms, as you took your last breaths. He who did that to you... whom I once trusted, is a monster. I swore on our bond that I would avenge you. However, when I went after him, he... trapped me in the mirror realm. I've been in here for a long time. Four years, to be precise. But when I get out of here, I swear I will bring your death to mean something. So swears...

Nada Roszsell.

I miss you, sis.


No one's PoV

The team of workers search the old, abandoned temple, as to search for anything valuable. This area, on the edge of the city, is planned for demolishment. An expansion of the city will be made on the new land. Great things are supposed to be made of this.

One of the workers, named Charles, walks into a dark room withing the temple, and holds his flashlight up. The light moves around the room, before it catches a shine on something something in the corner.


The worker goes to inspect what is reflecting the light, and he moves some boxes around, and reveals a dust, old mirror. The frame is golden and pierced with rubies and emeralds. The glass looks fragile and filthy.

And yet, it is still intriguing. The worker leans in closer to the mirror and sees something off with his reflection. His eyes are brown... but the mirror shows them to be white.

As his face grows closer, almost touching the glass, a hand print smudges across the mirror. This startles the worker and he jumps back.

"Let me out...!" Pleads a womans voice.

"Let me out...!"
"Let me out..."
"Let me out...!"

The worker rushes and fumbles for his walkie talkie, which he almost drops several times.

"G-g-g-get me someone who has experience!! We got a code Corre!! I repeat, We've got a Code Corre!! This is NOT a drill!!"



Time Skip

As the Ninja arrive at the site, they find that the entire construction crew is outside, waiting around, instead of being on the land.

Lloyd approaches the man in charge of the whole operation, with the rest of the team behind him. The head of the project spots the Ninja coming up, and he meets them half way.

"Oh, thank goodness you came! I dont know who else I would turn to!" He says.

"We got the message that said one of your workers found a... cryptic mirror?" Cole phrases.

The Boss nods his head.

"That's correct! Charles was so frightened, that he had to be carried out of the construction site!"

"If you don't mind our curiosity, what made the mirror so... scary?" Asks Zane.

"Well, I don't know... Charles was the only one who saw anything. My guys were in and out of there when they grabbed him."

The Ninja share a look of interest. A loud crashing noise is heard from inside the zone, and Lloyd tenses up.

"Is there anyone else on the scene?" Heeds Kai.

"No! Everyone's been evacuated and accounted for!"

Lloyd turns towards his team and nods.

The others nod back.

"Don't worry, We'll take care of this." Lloyd tells the boss.

"C'mon, guys."

The team rushes on the scene, as more loud sounds ripple through the site. They follow the booming and crashing, and find themselves in the same hall which the Worker Charles roamed.

The noises soften, as the Ninja go further down the path. They go along, and the sounds grow weaker.

"Where's that coming from?" Shudders Jay.

"Just keep going." Asserts Lloyd.

The sounds come to a stop as the team reaches the end of the hall, where a lonely door awaits them.

Lloyd reaches out his hand, and rests it on the knob. He takes a steady breath in, and opens the door.

The room on the other side is lit with a single lantern. But it's enough to gloom the whole space. The six Ninja all step foreward into the room and look around. The space is large, and has a wall split down the middle. A shadow casts into the corner, which spreads darkness to the other side of the wall.

Everywhere else, there is nothing. So, the Team all creeps around to the other side of the wall. Where they see something unsettling. They find the mirror, yes, which is now shattered into more than a dozen shards... but sitting on the broken glass is a woman...

She has short brown hair, and soft green eyes. Average Skin Tone, and fair rosy lips. Her face is flushed with a pale color, and she is cradling herself. Knees to her chest, face burried in her corner.

Lloyd doesn't look to his team for advice on what to do. Instead, he goes to the womans side and bends down beside her. He gently reaches his hand out and rests his palm on her arm.

The woman's gaze snaps up, and her eyes meet Lloyd's. He sees the tears flowing down her cheeks and finally takes notice of her outfit. She's equipped in battle armor.

Making Lloyd wonder why the woman is here, among other things. He gives the woman a sympathetic smile and tries to comfort her.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly.

The young woman sniffles and looks over at the other Ninja. Then, back at Lloyd.

"Are you here to hurt me?"

"No. We're here to help. So, how about we help you out of here, and let you rest with us. In return, you just have to answer a few questions. Sound good?"

".... If you promise to not hurt me."

"I promise."

She hesitantly takes her hand in his, and Lloyd pulls her up onto her feet, and off of the sharded floor.

"Can I ask your name?" Lloyd inquires.

The woman brushes a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, and shyly answers. She drops her head low, unsure if she can really trust these folks.

"Amazon. . ."

        "Amazon? Well, it's nice to meet you, Amazon. My name's Lloyd. The people over there are my friends."

            ". . . Right."

                "Now, if you don't mind, we're gonna at least have to ask you a few questions. But, to do so, you'll have to come with us back to our ship... Okay?"

        The woman hesitantly nods.

             "Mk. Here, let me help you up." Lloyd extends his hand down to Amazon and pulls her up onto her feet.

         She doesn't fuss when they all start to take her back to the Bounty. She doesn't fight, or even whine. She goes willingly, and quietly.

               What a curious woman.


      End Chapter One

          Hope you enjoyed!

    Also: I'm super sorry for being gone for sooooo long!! I'm currently grounded. Even as I wrote this chapter. Hehehe....

         But, I'll do what I can to not .... Disappear!~

     Tata for now, Lovelies!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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