chapter twenty-three

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It was unexpected.


As we sat in the coffee shop, coats
still hugging our tired bodies. We drank our drinks we had gotten,
Awsten got a coffee, I still had my hot chocolate.

And we talked.

We didn't sit in silence, we didn't not look at each other every now and again, giving each other slight feelings of reassurance. We didn't sit awkwardly or shift uncomfortable in our seats after a while of scrolling through twitter.

We talked.


I smiled at him, as he laughed uncontrollably, it slightly echoing, annoying other people that surrounded us. I didn't care though.

"You're mean." I pouted, crossing my arms as I began to fake being mad.

"Awe, I'm sorry." He playfully said, his eyes drooping and his lips pouting like mine, his brows furrowed.

I sighed, finally revealing I wasn't mad, yet he probably already knew that.
I'm not a great actor. He smiled, his cheeks forming faint dimples. His one blue, and one green eye lighting up.

"Here, you probably need this." He handed me my medication, I sighed in relief.

"Thank you." I smiled, not feeling as awkward anymore.

"I'll always be here to talk about anxiety and everything." He offered, so unexpectedly, it completely caught me guard.

I smiled.

"You look tired." He mumbled to me.

"You have great eye sight, I hardly got any sleep last night." He frowned, his pupils moving in concentration.

My eyes were closing, softly.
It was getting harder to stay awake, along with maintaining a conversation.
My head was resting on my palm, which was resting on my knee.
Awsten obviously noticed.

"Let's get you to bed." He hummed, pushing his hand through his faded purple hair as he stood up.

I mumbled in response, opening my eyes softly before wearily getting up from the couch that was once filled with me and Awsten. I placed my backpack on my shoulders, before following Awsten to the door.

The walk was long, tiring, and slightly draining, only because I was tired.
At times, Awsten and I had to stop for a minute or two to take a break.

"You know, I thought you hated me." I blurted out, already saying this before but feeling like he needed to hear it again, nearly face-palming myself.

"Why is that?" He sweetly said, his gaze quickly coming to mine, his brows furrowed as he waited for a reply.

"The time we've spent together, you've seemed to really hate me, like really," I softly chuckled to myself, slight embarrassment having to explain.

"Yeah, I just thought you didn't like me, you were really a dick, but you didn't hear that from me." I confessed, giggling again at the end, hoping to change the mood.

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