I smiled at the thought that she didn't actually like those girls. She has to be different. "Well, yeah. There are a bunch of mean kids you can find around here, but they're mostly nice, I guess." I lied. Nobody was nice, not to me at least.

"I bet the principle is vile. He has to be," she said, making a weird face, somehow managing to make me laugh.

We grabbed some coffee for ourselves—and a sandwich for my hungry stomach—and walked down to the football field.

I told her about our school team and the star player, Nathan. He was popular all over the town, especially amongst girls. Like in any other high school, he, the most popular guy of our school, was also a bully and a player.

In the middle of me telling her stories of him pushing middle schoolers in the pool, she asked, in all seriousness, "is he hot, though?"

I frowned, "uh.. yeah. I mean, of course, there's a reason why so many girls throw themselves at him."

She turned towards me, her playful smile back on her face. "Gimme your number. I will call you, there's a lot I need to catch up with in studies."

We had our last class (calculus) together. I hated maths and I discovered that she did too which gave us another thing to rant about, bonding us. After Jordan, she was the only person at school I'd talked to who actually made me smile.

She was as bright as the sun and smelled like lavenders. She, Jordan and I would make an amazing trio.

After school we walked toward the parking lot, laughing, as she told me about her horrible dates in the past few months and I accidentally bumped into Nathan's back, the last person I'd wanted to see in such a bright moment.

He spun around, ready to roar, but his eyes landed on Kylie instead. He took his time looking at her, top to bottom. He smirked, "and you must be the new one?"

"Yeah," Kylie replied, nonchalantly.

Nathan saw me and I noticed him bite back a sneer.

"Does the new student have a name?" Nathan shifted his weight on his one leg.

I was about to grab Kylie and drag her out of there but she crossed her arms across her chest and answered him.

"I'm Nathan," he said and put his heavy, sweaty arm around my shoulder. I wanted to move away but for some reason stood frozen to the spot. "Lauren must've told you about me," he said, cocking his head towards me.

"It's Laura, jerkhead," Kylie said for me which I felt grateful for. But her retort only earned her a bigger smirk from him. He pulled back his arm and stepped back, still looking at her.

"See ya around," he winked at her, turned around and left.

We walked to her car. She was smiling again. How she managed that?

I usually walked back home which was just a few blocks away whenever Jordan decided it was a day off his car but today Kylie insisted on her driving me back so I let her and we reached my home before the first song could even finish.

I threw my bag on my study table and plopped down on my bed, talking out my phone to text Jordan to tell him I was home. His reply was instant.

Jordan: how was school without my lovely talks today? (~_^)

Me: fun, actually

Jordan: oh, really? What did you do?

My thumbs did a little dance over the keyboard as I decided what to write to hopefully make him jealous.

Me: there's this new student. She's awesome, tbh.

I hit send and slapped my head. I shouldn't have mentioned her gender.

Jordan: so you didn't miss me? :((

Me: nah

Jordan: :((

Jordan: btw, is she hot? :p

My heart sank. I gulped. Yes, of course she is hot and of course Jordan would like her better than me.

Me: really, Jordan? (¬_¬)

Jordan: just kidding XD. Why you jealous honey pie? ;*

Me: omg J, honey pie?? Really??? That's so cringy!

Jordan: it's not! You're my sweet lil honey pie :*

My cheeks flushed and my stomach churned as we banted over his new nick name for me and then I decided to take a nap.

I stirred out of my sleep soon enough for the heavy footsteps that come through from somewhere nearby. I got up and looked around the first floor. Nothing. I walked down the stairs and jump at the sudden loud sound of metal hitting the floor.

The front door which I had closed on my entrance was now wide open. My breathing fastened as I made my way to the kitchen, a hockey stick in hand.

Scratched SmilesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora