chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The guilt was killing me. I killed 233 people in one day. Even psycho serial killers couldn’t have managed that.

  “…….two hundred and thirty three students died in the devastation of Easton High School, researches explain it was because the campus was roughly built, missing some of the details it should have and decided to collapse on the current day…”

 Thank you reporter that made me feel so much better.

I woke up six hours later, after the incident, in the hospital; my mom was leaning over me, crying her eyes out but was happy at the moment. She hugged me and kissed me several times. Then the nurse came, checked me from top to bottom, she told my mom I was perfectly fine and I could go home.

My mom took me back home and I found dad with some cops who wanted to question me about my survival.

They took me to my bedroom and the officer said; “isn’t it odd that you didn’t got a scratch on you even though you were found in the middle of the demolition?” he raised his eyebrows.

 “I don’t remember anything.” I lied. He sighed, then explained; “There were six survivals, excluding you. They were all freshman and they survived because they were in the sports field taking basketball lessons from Mr. Jackson at about 11:30 am. Seconds before the campus started collapsing, Mr. Jackson went inside it to talk to his assistant Coach ledger and failed to get out in time. Can you remember what were you doing at the exact same moment?”

 I pretended to think; “i went to use the bathroom, while my best friend Jessica was in Mr. Nolan’s office, after I got out, Coach Ledger asked me to call Coach Jackson from the sports field but he didn’t exactly specified me that Mr. Jackson was in the basketball court so I accidently went into the football field. Then I heard rumbling, so I went back and found the building in ruins, I went straight for Mr. Nolan’s office to see if Jess survived, but when I got there I saw Mr. Nolan, his assistant Mrs. Henry and Mrs. James dead body, I was so shocked and sick that I couldn’t handle the situation and collapsed right there.” I stuttered, gasped and even pretend to cry while I lied. I couldn’t just give myself away and stay in jail after I survived a whole building break down. But I didn’t lie about the whole thing like Jessica really was my best friend but we were separated due to the change of section in Year 10.

 The officer looked at me skeptically; “Ms. Evans was found in her classroom.” “She must have gone back to 12 B.” I replied, hoping he would buy whatever I had told him.

“Excuse me, aren’t you and your friend in different sections, how did you know Ms. Evans was going to Mr. Nolan’s office?” the other Cop asked me. “We came ten minutes late from the cafeteria, the classes had already started and we were going there when Mrs. Henry came toward us and said Mr. Nolan needed Jessica for a few seconds, so I went into the bathroom while Jess went with Mrs. Henry.”

 “Weren’t you going back to your classroom?” that idiot cop asked me again. Good thing all the people who had knew exactly what happened, died. Or else I would have been in the cell without these questions asked.

 “I was, but I had to go bad and Mrs. James never let people use bathrooms in her lesson because they would miss parts of the lecture.” That was the truth. “Why was your friend called by Mr. Nolan?” the officer asked.

“She wanted to drop Geography and History and take Business and Accounts instead.” That was definitely a white lie. She hated Accounts.

The officer asked me a couple more questions then left my room; I lay on my bed and tried to picture everything that happened that morning to make things clear but I couldn’t make out three things, the flying beer cans, my voice and how the walls fell down but I did knew one thing, I didn’t do it intentionally, mentally or physically. I went to sleep, trying to forget everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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