The morning after was quite awkward. Cynthia was out because she had her pregnancy yoga class and Jonah was at football practice. Nate had not come home last night so it was just Luca and I at home. I didn’t know this, my ‘cuz’ had to tell me.

“Where’s everyone?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen. “ Zia’s at her pregnancy yoga thing, Jonah’s at footy and Nate's with Lionel” Luca answered unexpectedly. When I had asked my question I hadn’t known we were alone. He was seated at the counter, shirtless, eating a sandwich. “Oh” I answered.

I started to make myself a sandwich before seating myself opposite Luca. “So how are you cuz?” he asked cockily. His eyes met mine and I smiled. “Fine, you?” I questioned as I bit into my salami and cheese sandwich. He didn’t reply, he simply grunted.

“Change the channel” I whined. Luca grabbed the remote before I could snatch it from the space between us. “Nope, Benedict Cumberbatch is hot” Luca replied. My jaw dropped somewhat. What a loser. He was totally ignoring what I had told him. It was a good thing but it wasn’t like he just stopped loving me or whatever. He just didn’t want to talk about it at all. Where does this leave us? Are we just cousins now, nothing more? I didn’t even know what I wanted anymore. Cameron, I still loved him. Luca, he was way too sweet for my liking yet he got on my nerves. But I had to forget about Cameron, he broke my heart. He didn’t care about me. He used me for pleasure and I was a simple fling.

“Don’t think too hard, you’ll strain something,” Luca said randomly. I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on the TV screen. Ill just have to bring it up later. Suddenly the front door opened and Nate and his boyfriend walked in.

“That was so uncalled for” Lionel stated. Nate laughed at his boyfriend’s misery. “Whatevss” he replied casually. They both walked into the living room and stopped short at the sight of Luca and I sprawled on the couches watching BBC’s Sherlock. “Oh I thought you guys would be doing the whole ‘ignoring each other’ thing” Nate decided to say. I didn’t know how to reply so I looked over at Luca. “Well we’re not,” he said uninterestingly.

I went upstairs a little while later, the boys started to play Xbox and were totally ignoring the fact that I wanted to join. Assholes. I called lily and explained everything from our almost kiss to us walking back home quietly. She laughed a couple of times at my expense. When she hung up because she needed ‘to take a shower’ (I heard Anthony tickling her in the back round) I decided to take a nap.

I closed my curtains to cover the little bit of light that was coming through the windows and closed my eyes. My mouth was really dry though. I wouldn’t mind a cup of juice actually… instead of getting up; I grabbed my phone and called Nate’s number. “Hey bro, I need juice please” I waited for his response. “We just left, see.” I heard the sound of music coming from a stereo and a car horn in the distance. “Oh god you never do anything for me anymore” I joked around playfully.

I made sure to put on my robe before walking downstairs. I was too cold and tired for life.

The sound of murmuring was heard.

I couldn’t make out who was speaking.

I stopped in the middle of the steps and sat down, straining my ears.

I could hear Cynthia talking that was for sure. I knew my own mum’s voice.

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