The Call

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-Later on-


I Sit down in my Bed and I thought. "Hey why not make a Video of what's going on " I turn get my Camera Set up and I Turn it on the Camera. "Hello there everyone so it's time to have a little Talk.. During the Moments I didn't upload. So recently I have been really depressed. No ones here. I'm Alone. I Recently I Got into 2 accidents. Someone Ran me over. And my Car did a few Flips. But obviously I'm Okay. But the weird thing is neither of them caused damage. I'm Really Confused. But I can't say I'm happy or all bubbly and Happy. It's just that sometimes you have to move on in life. I can't Vlog. It's hard. Be aware that I am human Too. I have feelings and I get bored,Lazy, and sad. I'm not quitting I'm just not Feeling it anymore. May the odds be ever your favor good bye" I say it with no energy

I turn off the camera. From now on my channel Is Different. I feel inspired. My channel is gonna be Acting, Definitely MineCraft, maybe Scary Games. I don't know but I'm Excited for my new Channel. Throw out a Schedule for when I wanna post and when I can't post. After all these nice channel ideas I still can't smile. I don't know why. Still unhappy I guess. I sigh. Anyways earlier I got a call it was from The guy that called me knives called me and said... "I have your Baby girl". I was Confused Evelyn is Dead. "No you don't Evelyn is Dead" I said to him. "SHE IS WITH ME" He says. "IF SHE IS THEN GIVE ME MY FUCKING DAUGHTER BACK BITCH" I Yelled. I hung up after I couldn't take any more of it. I hear a knock on the door. It's The Guy. I Look at him. And I kick him in his Chest. He Falls Down in Pain. I look into his Car window and I see Evelyn is tied up. "EVELYN ARE YOU OKAY?" I ask. "KNIVES LISTEN TO ME" he Says. "YOU TIED HER UP?!" I say. "NO I" I cut him off. "YOU what?!" My Voice gets lower. "I SAVED HER!" I look at him. "You Expect me to Believe you?" I say. "Knives Trust me I saved your Daughter" he says with a Wink at Evelyn. All of a sudden the cops come and They take Him and Me. One of them unlocks the car door Untying Evelyn. "EVELYN DADDY LOVES YOU" I yell with tears in my Eyes. "DADDY PLEASE STAY" Evelyn Yells.

-Later on-

I sit down in this weird Room that I usually see on TV. "We are only here to Ask do you have any Evidence that He Took your Daughter Evelyn. "Well you guys are basically kidnapping me why would I tell you?." I ask. "We are keeping you Safe he's one dangerous guy" A girl in Suit tells me. "All you need to know and are gonna know is that he tried to hurt my Evelyn. And i'm not scared of that Person you call Dangerous Now can you let me go" I Say calm. "You can go.."

-With Meghan-


"Meghan Don't with Joey he is Depressed and Needs some help" David. says to her. "David Nothing is wrong with him and I know it isn't I can tell. He's going through so much for a 23 year old." I Explain. I get a call from my manager. "Hello?" David's eyes light up. "David what?" I ask . "Your Um Clothes". I look down. "Shut up David I'm at Home I can Wear whatever the hell I want.. " I laugh. I'm wearing some a Hoodie with some cut sweat pants. But it's comfortable. I remember life is too short to pay attention to one thing when you are living the dream already. Worry about someone as much as you want but Don't let them effect how you think....

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