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I sit there in shock. My Evelyn. My Baby girl is gone it felt So horrible. "Joey Are you okay?" Cat Asks rubbing my back. I look at her and I storm out. It's Raining really heavy but I keep walking. I care less about my Jacket. I run to my car. I look on my phone to see a total of 20 missed calls from Meghan. She must be worried. I start to Drive. I Can't take my mind of Evelyn I Can't focus on Driving. I start heavily Breathing. I can't drive Anymore. I Try to Stop. But I can't. My car does a huge Flip. And then everything blacks out.

[With Meghan]

I sit backstage Shivering. I'm nervous. My name is Finally Called. "Please welcome Meghan Camarena." She says. I go on Stage. Everyone is Screaming and cheering for me. "Hey Guys! I'm Meghan Camarena. Today I will cover two Songs. First song is.. Called Hey there Delilah Um.. Lets Just Say I dedicate this song to all these People. Catrific,Joey Graceffa, David, and all my other Supporters. I start Strumming on the guitar.

-In the hospital.


I wake up after 20 minutes of Hell. My Head hurts from that accident but im free to go. And I am Fine. I get told again. I am Fine. No matter how much I try. I stay Alive. I feel like this explains Something. I actually have Something to live For. I have something coming for me. I'm not a failure. I'm not ready to die. Why can't I get these words into my head so they could stick to me. And not ware off after a quick Second.

A man Comes in. I don't know who he is. He says. "So you're knives?" He says. "I think you have the wrong room" I say. "No you're that guy that tried to Die On purpose and didn't" He looks Down at me. He's Tall and Has Tattoos. "Young man we Are so much alike" he says. "Yeah right.. It's not as if you Got shot in the heart twice and stayed alive through Both of them" I snap. "What if I Told you that, that is the Case. I have been through the same thing. My Mom turns on me. And I had no one. Ever since I was your age there was no one who stayed with me till it stopped hurting." I pull out a Picture of ???. I stare at it for a minute. "Who's this Girl?" He asks. "It's my friend. Meghan Camarena. She's living the dream singing at the iheart radio. And I have a crush on her. I wanna meet up with her one day but it's Pricey." I explain. "Knives Go for it. It will come your way! One day or another" I nod my head. "If she's that important to you than Skype her call her and all that. But have Time for your other friends to. And most importantly you time." I look back at the Picture. "Your Right."

"That's the Spirit knives" I look at him. "My name is Joey Graceffa not knives or Whatever Shit that you think my name is. I'm Joey and only Joey! And it's horrible that you are Reminding me of the point in my life where I tried Stabbing myself. It's Pissing me off.". "I'll call you knives if I want to call you knives" he says. I stand up and put on my black Jacket. "Listen to me!" He yells. "Just Shut the fuck up" I walk our and slam the door. "The man Had wise words. It hurt when he called me knives. The kids in Elementary school would tease me About it. And call me that. I storm out of the hospital. I am walking home alone.


I get some bad news. I start to cry covering my face. I can't. It hurts to hear my best friend is in Pain. And worse Evelyn died. She was just a kid. Even though I didn't know her I still cared. Everyone in the crowd Starts to Sing. "Make Believe" and I look up and look at everyone.There all helping. A smile rolls up on my face. As I Bring back the beat and start to Sing More.

I feel confidence, I feel like I can do anything. Anything to achieve my goals.


"Knives? What the hell does that even Mean?" I ask myself while walking. My heart is Beating. I come Across a Neighborhood and I overhear a Conversation. It's night time. They Say. "Oh my God Joeys Instagram is So hot." I knock on the door. I need help getting home. It's Really Far away. A 19 year old Girl comes to the door and Says. "Oh my god Joey Graceffa" She says. "Hi" I try to smile but I just Can't. I give her a big hug. She opens her screen door. And there is Tons of Drunk Children A.K.A Teens. Drinking Alcohol. I don't even wanna Explain What I hear from the Upstairs. I run out of the house and I keep running.

-The Next Day-


I wake up. Life fucking sucks. I just want to live a Better life. Where are my Friends my Family. And where the Hell is my Hope. It Faded away a long Time Ago. I suddenly get a call. It's From....

Who do you Think it was? Also I wanted to Say Oh my God I just hit 100 reads Thanks so Much guys and Enjoy!

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