The Confession

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Mr Davenport hurried everyone into the car as they began driving away for the mission, I clenched my fists, I wasn't weak anymore I was perfectly fine and even if I was weak from the emotions of anger and sadness mixing together that I was being left out made me stronger.
I waited until they were out of sight before shapeshifting into a bird and flying through the open window.
I flew around before catching up with the car flying high above so they wouldn't notice me, they finally arrived at an old abandoned warehouse looking building. Chase and Adam got out the car first, Chase reaching in for Brie's hand to pull her out and finally Jack coming out last. He looked hot in his mission suit and it made my body infected with butterflies.
I perched myself up on the top of the roof of the warehouse as they all entered. Mr Davenport began to drive away as they entered. I heard shouting and breaking glass. I flew down to the second floor of the warehouse and entered through the broken glass. I changed back to my normal form and went invisible. I calmly walked down the stairs to see fights breaking out between tall, muscly suited men and Jack, Brie, Chase and Adam.
The fights broke out as I quietly walked over to where Jack was fighting with one of the muscly men.
He was doing well, throwing many kicks and punches and I thought he was going to win until the muscly man backed him up against glass, the glass shattered against his back as he winced in pain. The man was about to throw him out, Jack looked unfazed but I could still tell he was worn out and scared. The blood inside my body froze as I did the unthinkable. I quickly managed to shove the man off of Jack with all the strength in my body and through the window himself, still invisible. Jack looked confused until he finally clicked,
"I told you to stay home Kim!" He shouted angrily.
He didn't know where I was considering I was still invisible, as the rest of the gang crowded round him.
"What's up Jack?" Adam said.
Jack sighed as I began to back up to go back upstairs and leave through the broken window I had entered through.
"Kim's here." Jack said sighing.
"But she's back at home and I can't see her anywhere." Brie said looking around.
"She's invisible." Jack said standing up.
I quickly tried to go up the metal stairs but they began to make noises from my feet hitting off of them. I hoped no one noticed. I made my way up and let out my invisibility.
I walked over to the window about the change forms until someone tugged at my wrist. I turned around to see Jack, his tanned face looked partially mad and hurt and some sad.
"I told you not to come Kim." He said looking into my eyes.
"I'm sorry Jack, I just couldn't be left out." I said calmly.
"You're too weak for this mission!" Jack said slightly raising his voice.
"I am not too weak for this mission!" I retorted.
"I can't let anything happen to you Kim." Jack said with sadness lacing his voice.
"Why are you being like this? Everyone else is doing the mission!" I said back.
"Because I care too much about you!" Jack shouted sadly.
We looked into each other's eyes, his were mesmerising pools of coffee brown, his eyes looked loving and sweet. We leaned in as we locked lips, closing our eyes as he cupped my cheek, his other hand grabbing my waist. I threw my hands around his neck as we deepened the kiss. This wasn't friendly, this wasn't something that we could even cover up as friendly. We pulled apart for air as our foreheads joined together. Our bodies still touching, as we panted for air. We pulled apart as he grabbed my hand,
"Come on, let's get home." With a warm loving smile.

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